[40] Home

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Warning: MAKE SURE YOU READ THE LAST CHAPTER. I updated yesterday, so don't skip otherwise you'll be confused. Yes fam, two updates back-to-back holla at cha girl. Perks of NaNoWriMo & plus no work today hehe

[40] Home

Massie knew returning to Dark Falls would involve her imminent reunion with the Cult. No doubt they would hound her with questions regarding her abrupt disappearance and why she didn't tell them. She did leave without warning and there was no contact the days she spent away. The missed phone calls in conjunction to the numerous text messages was enough to let her know they had done more than their part in seeking her out.

She just didn't expect the reunion to be this soon.

Standing at the edge of the terminal intermixed with awaiting families and expectant couples were the Cult in all their tall, golden glory. They were quite a bunch. Despite their regular clothes and off-set dispositions, they didn't fail to garner attention from curious onlookers.

They sensed her before she even stepped foot on the sloping runway, and by the time she made it half way they were all over her, grabbing her bags and softly chiding her for not letting them know.

"How could you abandon me so, princess!" Noah whined. He pulled her into one of his back-breaking hugs.

"Was something wrong with your phone?" Jayden took hold of her electronic device and assessed it, checking for any glitches.

"Look, you have a turtle-neck on but no jacket." Jordan fussed, disapproving of her clothes. He made move to remove his own jacket but before he did a large coat descended on her.

Sebastian quietly zipped it to her chin. Massie noticed his expression seemed troubled, but she didn't think to question him about it. She wasn't too surprised to see him there; his name was in the heap of missed phone calls along with the others. The familiar smell of woods and his masculine musk made her heart ache.

Several days away in a tropical vacation felt like it helped some. Seeing him again made all the progress seem imaginary. She still wanted him. The truth was disappointing; she never saw herself as the type to stay hung up on a man who didn't want her. Massie bit her lip. As long as she kept her distance the pain of her heart should dull eventually.

"I missed you guys too!" Massie purposely faced away from Sebastian and engaged the rest of the guys.

As they chatted to the parked car, Sebastian remained steadily behind her like a bodyguard. She would catch girls staring at him as they moved. She could tell because they wouldn't look at her, but somewhere directly above with appreciative eyes. Then they would whisper behind their hands and point at their group.

Perks of walking with obnoxiously tall men. Handsome ones at that.

The ride to her home was filled with chatter. When they parked outside her home there seemed to be a silent agreement that Sebastian would be the one to walk her to the door and carry her things. Massie pretended to not notice, she went to her home without a glance back.

The door of her house opened easily, and Sebastian placed the luggage on her hardwood floor.

"Do you want me to bring them to your room?" He offered. His hair fell slightly above his eyes, making him look more mysterious. She would have told him it was time to get a haircut again but he was not her man to be suggesting things like that.

"No thank you."

She was about to say goodbye when he pulled her into a hug. The first one he gave her since her return. The first one he's given her for weeks now, since he had ignored her before the trip. His arms felt warm and reassuring. Even so, she forced herself to remain still. There was no way she'd return the gesture.

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