[5] New Job

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Family Guy intro song. Obviously haha xD

[5] New Job

"It seems today, that all you see, is violence in movies and sex on T.V. But where are those good ol' fashion values— on which we used to rely. . ." Massie sang as she watched the Family Guy theme song come from the little television screen in the empty Dark Falls Diner.

It was a nice place, and had more than enough room to fit dozens of customers. Some of the tables were accommodated between red booths while others were surrounded by four to six dark wooden chairs.

When she had entered she had asked a waiter if they knew a tall pretty woman who worked here. When he asked why, she had explained that she was here to take up the job she had offered. Then he smiled and told her to wait a few minutes, and so here she was, semi-impatient for the lady to appear.

Massie wanted to get this job as soon as possible, especially that paycheck. She was even proud of herself for preparing all the things she needed to get a job. Who knew a first-time job-taker needed a reference? Of course Massie didn't at first, she asked Lydia about this shenanigans in the hallway. Lydia was more than willing to tell her— actually proud of her sister— but all those feelings fell to the trash when both ended up being late to class.

"Hey," greeted a woman, coming up to her. Massie instantly recognized her as the girl from the supermarket. "Massie, right? Excuse me if I'm wrong, I have terrible memory." The girl looked genuine, but Massie was starting to feel a bit guilty for having not memorized her name.

She smiled in relief when she read her name-tag. "Oh, no, it's okay Kristin. Happens all the time. And you got my name right anyway."

"You came here for the job. That's great! We need a hand here, especially with the boom of customers we've had recently." Kristin was dressed in an attire of jeans and a plain black polo.

She looked rather young to be a manager. Actually, she looked like the type to still be in high school. At the thought, her name became very familiar. This girl was James Fulton's girlfriend! Massie wasn't too surprised, she was pretty enough to grab any of the gorgeous Cult Boys' attention.

"Good! I brought work paper stuff since this is my first time getting a job," Massie admitted.

Kristin giggled, looking at the single sheet in Massie's hand. "I can tell, but that won't be needed here. Dark Falls is a small town, we don't bother ourselves with things like that."

Massie shrugged, throwing it in a trashcan nearby. "Better for me, it's not like I had any good stuff in the first place. What do I do then?"

"Come to work tomorrow at 5P.M. It starts after after-school activities, this way if you plan on doing any sports the job won't intervene."

Massie grinned, "Perfect! But I don't do sports anyway, they're not my forte." Massie stood and shook hands with Kristin. "See you tomorrow."


"Ugh!" groaned Massie. Aggravated was a complete understatement of what she was feeling right now; she was at the brink of insanity. She couldn't sleep, and that did not sit well with her.

Sleeping is one of her favorite hobbies, especially since she tended to have good dreams. Even if she couldn't remember most of them by morning she just knew, and so not being able to go into her blissful wonderland was more than a big problem. Okay, so maybe she was exaggerating, but she didn't want bags under her eyes by the time school came. She wanted to look extra-pretty tomorrow so Sebastian could enjoy viewing her face. Unrealistic considering she hadn't made the best of first impressions. . . or second impressions.

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