[38] Candy

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[38] Candy

Jordan heard him before he saw him. Like clockwork Sebastian joined them in the living room as he played video games with Jayden and Micah. To outside eyes it may give the impression that he actually wanted to join them in the fun, but Jordan knew better. He came to ask him the same questions he's been asking for three days in a row now.

"Have you been able to contact Massie?" Sebastian asked, momentarily crouching to meet him at eye level.

Jordan's gaze momentarily flickered to him before returning to the bright screen. "No. She didn't answer my phone calls."

"How many times did you call her today? At what time?" He interrogated, seemingly unsatisfied with the given response.

Jordan sighed. Both of them knew Massie was never this hard to contact in the first place, it was clear she was purposely avoiding them. The tension boiling between her and Sebastian was a palpable one through-out the whole wonderland dance. Now, it seemed Sebastian wasn't the only one playing the avoidance game.

"I called her twice, once in the afternoon and then again after dinner. Nothing." Jordan answered.

Sebastian's nostrils flared in irritation, a vein popping near his neck. This news made him none too pleased. It wasn't just the ignored phone calls, but also the empty visits. Twice Jordan has tried to pick her up from her house, and twice Lydia has told him that Massie wasn't even there. She was 'doing other things', things that apparently required her to not be home.

It got to the point that Sebastian himself went today to pick her up, but the answer didn't change. Both of them could smell that Lydia wasn't lying. Massie scent was absent in her home, she truly wasn't there.

"Go visit her early in the morning before she goes anywhere." Jayden suggested, sensing the rising rage in Sebastian.

It was strange seeing him at such odds over not seeing Massie. It had only been three days, and anyway, he hadn't exactly been the kindest to her recently. He couldn't blame the girl for trying to evade him.

"HA! TAKE THAT! I BEAT YOU!" Micah yelled, jumping up and doing his victory dance at having beat both his older brothers.

Sebastian stood to his true height, giving Jayden a nod. "I will visit Massie tomorrow morning."

At his statement Micah paused, giving him a weird look. "That's a dumb idea. Why would you visit her when she's away on vacation?"

All of them froze. Vacation?

"Pup, explain yourself. Where exactly is she?"

Micah took note of their shocked expressions and began to wonder if perhaps he shouldn't have said that. He tried to remember exactly what Lydia had told him of the situation but he hadn't been paying attention at the time, too busy smelling her and hugging her close.

Micah frowned when the details came to him. "Oh no, Lydia's going to kill me!"

 "Oh no, Lydia's going to kill me!"

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