[45] Hold You

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aliana_roman decided to finished writing this after that cute little comment  hahaha.

[44] Hold You

The delicious smell of waffles, omelets, and sausage permeated throughout the whole table. A colorful assortment of fruits perched near the center, circled with juices of every flavor.

Massie herself remained seated, as Sebastian insisted he wanted to serve her breakfast. Not seeing any reason to object she allowed him to do as he pleased, what girl didn't enjoy being catered to? She most certainly did.

All he filled two plates she noticed he came across various people. Some from their pack, others from foreign ones having their last meal before they leave. He greeted many, but there was an exception.

"Sebby, why did you ignore Stevens. It's obvious because he was right next to you. He's the only one you didn't greet." She mentioned, pulling back slightly as he placed her plate directly in her center.

"He disregards boundaries. I don't like associating with men who are disrespectful. Especially when they make moves on my woman." His hand went right above her knee and he kissed her cheek.

Massie let her hands graze his beard, which she found suited him wonderfully. Then his curly hair. "It's time for a haircut."

"Okay." He said, making no intention to move away from her for as long as she kept her hands on him.

The looked at each other, and probably would have kept doing so until she noticed from her peripheral view someone scoop half her bacon slices.

"Hey!" Turning, she saw an unapologetic wereman munching on them as though he didn't have some of his own on his plate. "Honey bear I should have known it was you."

Sebastian gave Noah a look, most likely annoyed he went through all the trouble of getting her the food and already Noah was eating it.

"You love birds seemed distracted, I didn't want it to get cold." He justified.

Sebastian looked ready to say something about his manners but Massie stopped him. "It's okay. You served me a little bit too much so Noah might as well help me."

"You know," Noah started, feasting Massie with heartfelt eyes as he shoved half a waffle into his mouth. "I knew there was a reason I loved you princess, and this is why."

Massie giggled as she reached for the syrup. "Whoever mates you needs to be aware that food is the way to your heart."

In the middle of eating Massie caught sight of Stevens' three fiancés enter the dining room. They must still have the habit of entering as late as ever.

As she munched on her blueberry waffle she planned on talking to them before they left. Last night she only managed to wave from a distance, seeing as Sebastian took up most of her time and attention. If it wasn't him, it was his family or packmates. Jordan and Noah could be very needy and talkative when they want to, so her night was full of distractions.

To avoid issues she would wait until Stevens was out of the way. It shouldn't be too hard, the wereman barely paid attention to them as it was. He was so neglectful of them Massie wondered what was the point of bringing them in the first place—much less keeping them as 'his'. She always felt one woman was hard enough to manage. Now imagine three? Yeah, good luck buddy. There's a reason those bachelor shows always end in failure, that's no way to meet a mate.

An opportunity arised half hour later, when Stevens shook hands with some wereman of another pack and went to his table for further discussion. Picking up her empty plate, Massie was ready to leave it in the sink on the way when she felt a tightening on her leg.

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