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AUTHORS NOTE: This is a longg update! Please remember to vote :)


Dear Diary,

I'm sorry I haven't written in a week! Ever since witnessing Kyle's transformation things happened so quickly I've hardly had any time to think, much less write. All of this is so overwhelming, but it's best to start from the beginning. After seeing what I saw in the forest, the next day in school he came up to me and asked if I could keep the secret. Figures he would ask after I knew his secret rather than before *sigh*. I agreed, but in all honestly even if I did want to blab my mouth who would I talk to? All the girls in school hate me. He then followed by inviting me to his house after school. I said no of course! His house? Just because I know his secret doesn't mean we're automatically best friends. It's his fault all the girls hate me, making me a total loner.

By the time school ended, however, it seemed I was forced into going to his house after all. The girls were following me again, only this time they weren't being as discrete and were much larger in number. Before they were about three, that day it appeared to be seven. Eric came to my rescue by walking beside me and leading me into the woods. I'm not sure which decision would have been better: going to his house or getting beat up, because when they saw Eric and I enter the woods their suspicions were confirmed, and all of their gossip now had "proof". I just wish I understood why they had to go to such extremes for boys. It's so crazy!

The house was a long walk from where we stood; without warning Eric transformed into a wolf and with a bark urged me to ride on his back. I wish I could say I disliked it but. . . it was so fun! I felt like a warrior princess— out to save the world! Okay, I'm writing in pen so please ignore that last sentence.

Someone must have been waiting for his arrival, because before we even got to the door a short, pretty woman opened it. She was speaking with someone, but when she finally turned forward and showed her entire face I had to stop myself from staring. A long dark scar started from her right cheek and ended at the base of her neck. The sight was slightly disturbing, because I knew it was not something done on accident. It made me less confident about the decision I made to go there.

Inside I was introduced to various people, which I do not remember the names of— except for Cherry who opened the door. There were so many of them, I couldn't believe I hadn't seen their faces anywhere. Of course, I'm not a good person to go by seeing as I rarely leave my house but I wondered why they all lived together. To my relief they were kind and approachable. For some reason they were happy and excited to see me. I don't understand how a group of people can be so accepting to one they've never met before.

Massie paused her reading and put a hand to her chest, remembering very well her first acquaintance with the Cult family. Unlike Jean she remembered some of their names (to her own surprise), but she couldn't help but notice the similarities in their stories. Like Jean, the Cult family was very accepting when it came to her. As a matter of fact, the Cult themselves from school became friends with her easily. So easily in fact, that even her friends were amazed.

I felt most comfortable around Cherry. Maybe because she looked the most. . . normal? They were all so tall, so strong so supernatural it was—as I said before— overwhelming. Many of them went outside to train or go for a run, while others roamed around the house. I don't know what I was expecting. Maybe a dirty house with bones and blood splattered on the walls? They don't exactly fit the stereotypical werewolves. Cherry invited me to the living room to watch some television. Without me knowing I had shown comfort around her, and an unspoken agreement had been made that she would entertain me.

I ended up sitting on the side that showed her scar, and as respectful and discrete as I wanted to be my eyes kept wandering to it. "Would you like to know how I got it?" she asked me. I felt so embarrassed, but she seemed rather calm about approaching the subject. I found myself saying yes. Did she get it from them? As nice as they may seem, knowing what they were disconcerted me. She muted the television and told me her story. To my surprise as it turned out, the scar wasn't caused by the likes of this family. Corcorus Wolves. This is what they called them.

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