Extra 2 - Sugar Daddy

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Extra 2 – Sugar Daddy

Lydia folded her clothing into the suitcase, careful as she placed each item in its proper spot. Jeans on the right. Shirts on the left. Nightwear in the deep center, and her additional clothing over the rest. The intimates she zipped up in the non-see through compartment of the fold. She didn't comprehend how the girls in her college managed to fill more than four suitcases up with clothes. Having only filled two, it was more than enough space for Lydia.

Then again, she wasn't particularly packing for frequent late-night parties and weekend events. Her clothes were for the purpose of college – getting to class and obtaining her degree. She much preferred spending her late nights studying in the library then out drinking her inhibitions away. She had to focus if she wanted to accomplish getting a master's in business administration in record speed.

"I can't believe you and Micah have been separated this whole time. Why didn't you tell me?!" Massie exclaimed, watching her with awed eyes as she continued to methodically organize her things.

Of course, Lydia should have known better than to not have inform her sister of the break-up the moment she made the decision. Lydia shrugged. "I didn't think it was that important. Him and I still talk. We're friends, it's just I didn't think it worth continuing if in the end I want to live in the city, and he wants to stay here."

Lydia couldn't stop her tone from changing at the last word. The truth was, after spending two semesters at the college in the city, she knew right away its where she belonged. Suburban towns like Dark Falls didn't suit her. She much preferred the hustle and bustle of the city. Micah was the complete opposite, his entire life plan consisted of staying here and working under his family business connected to the diner. Who was she to stop him from that?

"But why didn't you tell me?!" Massie continued. Then, she started crying as though it were the most heinous crime ever. Her eyes became watery as big, fat, tears rolled down her cheeks.

Lydia grabbed her prepped box of tissues and brought it to her sister. "I didn't think you would be much of a crier during pregnancy."

Massie readily took the tissues and wiped her nose. "I can't help it, I'm so sensitive and I don't understand why!" The violet in her eyes became brighter in hue. Within seconds she recomposed herself again and giggled. "Well, if you guys have been separated for six months and I didn't know it, I guess you guys are taking it well."

The bed dipped as Lydia sat beside her sister. She rested her hand over her enlarged stomach. "We are. I'm glad for the relationship we had, but we both understand we're not compatible in terms of what we want out of life."

Massie nodded in understanding. "That makes sense. I guess...I thought you'd be like Sebastian and I. I should've known you were serious about living out on your own in the city."

Lydia winced. "Yeah, about that. City life is not as easy as I pictured in my head. I love it, but sharing an apartment with two other girls hasn't been smooth."

A sigh of frustration escaped her lips at the thought of her roommates. They were everything she wasn't – loud, rambunctious, and complete party girls. It's her saving grace that neither of them ever thought to make a party in their apartment (the space being too small) rather they were often invited into wretched parties on a continual basis.

"Don't worry Lyd, once you get an internship and start getting paid I know for a fact you'll be able to afford your own place. I know how you like to be a lone wolf. Its only a matter of time."

Lydia raised a brow at her sister's terminology. She might as well be a she-wolf as far as Lydia was concerned. "Remember how I told you I sent out over thirty applications? They all waitlisted me because they prefer some kind of 'prior experience'—which I obviously don't have." She huffed, crossing her arms.

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