[9] Eavesdropping

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 [9] Eavesdropping

Massie sighed with content when she landed on her bed, freshly showered and in her favorite sleeping attire consisting of booty shorts and a white tank. The gentle breeze that entered through her window was comforting, and aided all the more in helping her sleep. She was so happy with the day's events.

So far she'd succeeded in making friends with the Cult Boys, and getting a job at the diner, which she earlier found out was very hard to get into. Thinking of it, she wondered why Kristen had asked her to apply for the job while many others had offered to work there. Not just that, but Kristen and her were the only waitresses there, how in the world had she managed all those customers by herself? And why didn't she offer more help? Of course, she would never outright ask her that, she felt rather privileged to be the only girl in school who managed to snag the job, and she'd like to keep it that way.

Although, Massie did want to know what Jayden was thinking while he stared at her private region.

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me. . . the others would kill me."

The conversation had been very strange. She briefly wondered if she should ask him about it tomorrow, but instantly dismissed it. As curious as she was to find out, her and Jayden simply weren't close enough to get a confession out of him. He—along with the other boys—had to get comfortable around her first.

Gazing at the moon, her thoughts went to last night, and the humongous wolf she'd seen: Cinnamon, as she had so fondly named him. Would he be out there tonight? She wanted to go visit him, and if she was completely truthful with herself she even admitted to ponder about James' words in the library. Could those mythical creatures really exist?

One way to find out.

She attempted to sit up on her bed, but found herself plop down afterward. Today had really taken a toll on her. She hoped she'd get used to the excessive work soon and be as fluent as Kristen in her job. Slowly, she felt herself drifting into sleep, with open arms she welcomed it.



Massie shot up from her bed, her heart thumping rapidly against her chest from the sudden awake. Her eyes slowly began to focus on the figure standing at the edge of her bed, Lydia. She was smiling pleasantly, but Massie knew better from the devilish gleam in her violet eyes.

"Breakfast is ready, and school starts in 30 minutes," she finished, giving a satisfied smirk.

Had it not been for the soreness yesterday's work brought upon her, she would have jumped on her sister the moment she'd even seen her. Clearly she had woken her up now on purpose, making it impossible to get to school on time.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier, brat!" Massie hissed, lifting the covers from her form. She fought herself from crawling back to the warmly goodness. Dark Falls was definitely chillier than what she was used to.

"I kind of just. . . forgot," Lydia replied, shrugging innocently as she exited out of her room.

"Forgot my ass." Massie grumbled, finally getting off her mattress. She winced at the pain her weight brought to her thighs, but school was much too enjoyable to worry about things like this.

She quickly stretched before grabbing her towel and putting on her slippers. The cold tile floor did nothing but encourage her to jump back into the comforts of her warm bed. After trudging to the bathroom she almost felt like dying on the spot when she heard the shower running. She knocked loudly on the door.

"Yes?" rang the muffled voice of her mother. Rather than dying, she'd prefer shooting herself on the head. Her father was quick when showering, her mother on the other hand. . .

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