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A/N: Heavy SebMass up-ahead.

Wolf Chase [32]

Massie woke up to a powerful knock on her wooden door. The suddenness made her jump off the bed, her heart thrumming in an accelerated rhythm. Her footsteps were uneven as she ambled to the door, still drowsy from sleep. She was about to unlock it when she realized she didn't know who it was, much less have a peek-hole through which to check.

"Who is it?" She asked, her voice came out muddled and confused. Who on earth would be knocking on her door at two in the morning?

"It's me. Open the door."

Massie pulled the door open, and half-lidded eyes regarded her supposed fiancé. The view before her woke her up better than any alarm clock could, she stepped back in shock. A large, ugly gnash ran diagonally down his left arm. It looked like a pair of claws had injured him. It was bright and red, letting her know it was recent. She frantically assessed him from head-to-toe, looking for any more injuries. To her great relief he otherwise remained unscathed.

"What happe-"

"No questions. Take your things and bring them to my room."

Confused, she obeyed him and grabbed her rolling suit case. It was a good thing she'd been too tired to make herself at home and take things out.

When she stepped in to the hall, she gasped at the unconscious figure of a man near her door. It was Ryder. His mouth lolled open and blood was gushing down his nose. One of his arms were bent in an unnatural position and there was a huge gash on his abdomen. His face was swollen, and he was sure to have a horrendous bruise when he woke up. If she thought Sebastian was injured, his man was beaten to a bloody pulp.

She looked at Sebastian, but he merely gave her one his not-now looks and she wisely scampered to his room. Now was not the right time to ask for explanations.

"I'll be back. Lock the door." The door closed with a silent thud and Massie went to do as she was told. She couldn't help pressing her ear against the wood to listen. The noise of someone being hauled over and taken to another place was heard.

She pulled away, stunned at the recent turn of events. She easily deducted those two had fought, and judging by the fact that Ryder was sprawled right near her door, it's obvious he was attempting to do something in the general area—like trying to get into her room.

Massie expelled a whoosh of air. Her earlier experience with him in the hallway showed her how slimy a man he was, but she didn't expect him to be so determined as to try to get her room in the middle of the night. How lucky of her to have Sebastian looking out for her, she wondered how he was even able to detect Ryder's intentions from his room next door. He was such a knight in shining armor that she couldn't wait for him to get back.

Mind full of mischief, she reopened her suitcase. Was it bad that she was secretly thankful of Ryder's attempt? He was disgusting, but his actions got her where she wanted to be, just not the way she expected it to. She pulled out her previous revealing two piece and settled into them, shivering as she exchanged her sweats and baggy shirt for the shorts and miniscule shirt. Sebastian was going to be so annoyed, she could feel it already. But that didn't matter: an annoyed Sebby is a cute Sebby. How evil of her.

During the time her supposed spouse was away, Massie settled under the covers. It was just as freezing in this room as it was in hers. She decided that no matter what she would make him kiss her tonight. If his actions were any indication, he wanted one too, he was just being bull-headed and stubborn. A little closeness and he would surely lose his control.

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