Episode 38

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Episode 38: Enter...the Ancient Opponent?

The cemetery inside Ryuga's castle is nothing different from ordinary cemetery except for being inside a castle and the "sky" looks red with a bit of black like the "sky" is made up of blood. Even though nothing has happen yet as Mizuki and Shion look around the cemetery, they still have their guard up, ready for any incoming attack. And they were right to keep their guard up because as soon as they appear face-to-face with the cloak figure, the cloak figure turns out to be a grim reaper.

Instead of trembling in fear, Mizuki is trembling in excitement. "Whoa!"

"What are you excited about?"

"I bet he's Death from Symphony of the Night."

The grim reaper roars at Mizuki and Shion to get their attention.

"I think that answer your curiosity since he only roar." Shion took out of his sword, saying, "Anyway, now is not the time to get distracted."

"Heh..." Mizuki get into position to attack. "I know."

It didn't take them long to defeat the grim reaper. They continue making their way to the top. Once they arrive at another location, they scan their surroundings. The new area they are in looks like the inside of a church; the only thing missing is the people and the only light source is the chandeliers and candles. At the end of the room where the altar is, there stand a middle-age man in a butler attire, facing them. Mizuki and Shion look at each other a little dumbfounded then back at the middle-age butler. The middle-age butler before them doesn't look menacing or evil in any way as they feel a calm and soothing aura about him.

While Mizuki stare at the middle-age butler, she get the feeling she know him, but she doesn't understand why. Shion notice the in-a-trace look Mizuki has, and decide to break the silence.

"Hi, sir."

Mizuki tense up, looking startle at Shion's easygoing attitude. "W-Wait, Shion!"

Shion look at Mizuki with a reassuring smile. "I got this," he said before turning his attention back to the middle-age butler. "We would really appreciate if you can help us get to Ryuga."

"Hmph..." was the middle-age butler's only reply.

Shion has a nervous look on his face. "Uh..." He looks back at Mizuki with a pleading expression. "Hey, help me out here."

"Wh-What do you want me to say?"

The scene the two youths are causing amuse the middle-age butler that it cause him to chuckle.

"Truly, you two are amusing. It's just what I would've expected. Now, if you don't mind, I would like you to turn her over to me."

"Shion is not the kind of guy-" Mizuki was cut off.

"What will I get in return?" Shion asked without a thought.

Mizuki look at Shion in disappointment. "Shion!"

"Anything you desire," the middle-age butler replied.

"What the hell-?!" Mizuki was cut off again.

"Anything I desire you say..." Shion crossed his arms. "Hm... Sorry, Mizuki, but you're going to have to deal with me for a long time."

Mizuki look relief that Shion was only joking. "Shion..." Then she gives him a glare, and say, "You're freaking dead once we get home."

Shion rub the back of his head with a nervous laugh, wondering if Mizuki was joking or not. Their fun was interrupt by the middle-age butler throwing knives at them. The two youths quickly react and roll to the side to dodge the incoming knives.

The middle-age butler took out his pocket-watch and look at the time. "Sorry to interrupt your fun, but I believe we are on a tight schedule."

"Just who are you, old man?" Shino casually asked.

Tachibana put away his pocket-watch in his tailcoat's inside pocket. "Who am I? You can call me Tachibana, and I am nothing more than just a mere butler."

"Well, he's certainly one hell of a butler," Shion muttered.

Mizuki's ears perk up when she heard what Shion said, and got excited. "That reference!" she exclaimed.

"Eh? Now what?" Shion hasn't read manga before so he didn't understand what Mizuki was getting all excited about.

The butler Tachibana was more than just a normal butler. He was strong, cunning, and fast. Tachibana attack Shion and Mizuki by throwing knives at them.


"I know!"

They dodge the incoming knives. But then, Tachibana reload and got knives out from his tailcoat's inside pockets.

"How is he storing those in his coat?!"


"What-Ah!" Shion quickly jump away, dodging the incoming knives.

"Milady, I will escort you to Ryuga, but I must eliminate your partner," Tachibana said as he's slowly walk up to Shion and Mizuki.

"Not a chance!" Mizuki create a sword out of wind.

"Then I will have no choice but to take you by force."

Tachibana charges at Mizuki and Shion before they get the chance to react.

Back at Kaname and the rest, the giant ball form of mummies wasn't all that impressive. They were able to elimminate the red eyes mummy without much trouble. Kaname's plan was to destroy as much mummy slaves to reveal the red eyes mummy then give it their all to kill it. Surprisingly, Zero appeared at the last moment to give the finishing blow to the red eyes mummy and end its life. Yuki was glad to see Zero safe, but the Night Class was feeling indifferent about whether Zero was okay or not. Kaname, on the other hand, was both glad and indifferent about Zero's safety; he knew that if Zero were to be safe, Yuki and Mizuki would be glad, but because of his role as a big brother to both his precious girls, he feels a bit lonely and jealous that his girls cares a lot about the ex-human more.

"Hmph; so, Kiryu, you are alive, after all." Kaname said, sounding unusually friendly towards Zero.

Zero seems to take note on the tone Kaname has, and decide to act the same. "Heh; likewise."

Kaname and Zero seems to be on good term, seeing one another eye-to-eye. Yuki and Kaname's followers were confused at what they were witnessing. The Night Class President and the ex-human are interacting with one another without having the urge to rip each other's throat.

Takuma notice the friendly vibe he gets from his best friend and the ex-human who hates vampires, and he didn't want to ruin, but he decide to break the silence anyway. "Are we all good?"

"Yes, Takuma," Kaname replied.

After the "big" battle they have with the red eyes mummy and its' slaves, they finally catch up with Shion and Mizuki. But when they arrive at the church setting, they only found the area in a complete mess, and Shion lying on the ground in pain.

Yuki quickly rush to Shion's side. "Shion!"

The others follow Yuki towards Shion. Yuki crouch down and grab Shion, supporting him on her arms. His clothes has rips, dust, blood, and it seems his wounds are already beginning to heal, but it seems the injuries looks deep enough to keep him down.

Shion groan in pain. He opens his eyes to see Yuki, Zero, and Night Class in front of him. Once he met Kaname's gaze, he start to feel guilty as he feel like he has fail him. "Ka...Kaname... I fail you," he said, sounding like he was in pain.

"Fail..." It only took Kaname a few seconds to realize what Shion was talking about. "Mizuki is gone?"

Yuki help Shion sit up. "That old man took her," Shion said.

Zero's hand forms a fist and tightens in anger. "Where?"

Shion raise his hand up and point forward at the double door in front of him. "Through that door."

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