Episode 1

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Episode 1: The Beginning of Everything

It was already time for the school switch system and for the Night Class to go to class. It was always a hassle with hearing those day-class girls waiting outside the Moon Dorm and screaming/squealing. Just to see the Night Class. Damn fangirls.

Mizuki sighed. "Great. Another night, another boredom."

"Aw, come on! Cheer up, Zuki!" Hanabusa wrap an arm around Mizuki's shoulders.

"Can't do that with you hyper all the time, Hanabusa."

"You're so full of esoteric (mysterious or secret), aren't you?"

"Esoteric huh..." Then Mizuki said sarcastically, "I'm impressed; now that's a new vocabulary word for ya."

"Why thank you."

Takuma snickered. Then Hanabusa realize what Mizuki meant.

"Why you..." Hanabusa said angrily.

When the gate finally opens, Mizuki make a run for it ahead of the others.

"Catch me if you can, Hanabusa!"

"Watch out, Mizuki!"

Mizuki saw Yuki up front as she try to slow down, but fail and fall flat forward on the ground.

Yuki went to Mizuki's aid. "Are you okay, Mizuki-sempai?!"

Mizuki got up and slap the dust from her uniform top. She gave Yuki a smile. "I'm alright. No injuries. How are you today, Yuki? Doing okay?"

"Uh...y-yeah. Everything's fine, Mizuki-senpai."

"Senpai? Please just call me Mizuki, Yuki. It makes me feel old."

"S-sorry, Mizuki-se-Mizuki."

Mizuki smile again then she realize the fangirls were glaring at Yuki.

"It's just that, you and Kaname-sempai save me..."

"That was a long time ago, Yuki." Mizuki raise her right hand to pat Yuki on the head, but someone's hand quickly grabs her wrist away hard.

"Zero!" Yuki shouted.

Mizuki look at Zero. "Zero Kiryu. It's nice to see you again."

"You have classes to intend to, Kuran." Zero didn't sound happy. Actually, he never sounds happy at all, more like grumpy.

"Tch, right."

Zero roughly let go of Mizuki's wrist.

"You're quite scary, Mr. Perfect. See you around, Yuki."

"You too, Mizuki."

At that, Mizuki follow her fellow classmates to class. The vampire teacher explains to us of why they are here at Cross Academy; and it is to be able to live among the human.

It was finally break time.

It was so boring in class that Mizuki decided to go out on break time. Mizuki sit on one of the branch on the tree and stare at the moon. Hence the name Mizuki. She look at her right wrist, the wrist that Zero grabs.

'Damn. That Zero sure has a strong grip. Damn males. Why do they always get the strength?' Mizuki thought.

"What are you doing out here, vampire?" there came Zero's voice.

Mizuki looked down only to find the vampire-hater Zero Kiryu. "I have a name y'know. It's Mizuki."

'Mizuki? Not Kaname? Damn, those two look alike. Well, except for the height and size.' Zero thought. "Does it look like I care?"

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