Episode 39

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Episode 39: In The Past Life

Tsukiko Kuran, the only daughter in her family, was sought out by one of the most respected Pureblood vampire, Ryuga Kusanagi. He even brought his castle along with him, literally; his castle was resided where Tsukiko live so it wasn't far. She didn't say anything about the marriage arrangement, and obey her parents. When the newly engage couple met for the first time, Ryuga was more than happy to meet his fiancée, but Tsukiko was more than nervous. The two does get to the time to know each other a little more than their name and their clan. The more they spend time together, the more Ryuga fell in love with Tsukiko. Tsukiko, on the other hand, was a little hesitant since she has trouble with saying how she truly felt. Tsukiko felt bless and grateful that Ryuga care about her so much and how much he love her, but she also feel guilty for all his kind words and kind actions since she doesn't really show her gratitude that much.

As time flies by, she met an injured silver-haired vampire hunter during her journey to a nearby village to buy items for gardening. She was kind enough to let the vampire hunter stay at her home. It was a lucky day for both of them because her parents were out on a business trip. If her parents knew that she has taken in a vampire hunter, she couldn't imagine what they would've done to the man, but she knew they were not going to be happy about it.

The silver-haired vampire hunter didn't know whether to be grateful or suspicious of the beauty in front of him, knowing that she is one of them. "Are you going to bite me when I let my guard down?"

Tsukiko look shock at the silver-haired vampire hunter's accusation. "Do not say that, sir. I just want to help you."

"Help me? You are nothing more than a monster in human form."

Tsukiko's eyes soften. "That may be true, but not all are as evil as you make us sound."

"Heh..." The silver-haired vampire hunter's eyes sadden. "Yeah, until they turn on you and kill your family right in front of you."

"I...see..." Tsukiko smiled. "Well, if you need anything, I'll be next door," she said, getting up from her seat.

The silver-haired vampire hunter gets up from his seat as well. "I do not need your hospitality."

"I understand-"

"No you don't!"

Startle, Tsukiko apologize; she wasn't angry or scare at being yell at by the silver-haired vampire hunter, but hurt. The hurt look in her eyes causes the silver-haired vampire hunter to let out a soft gasp. He regrets yelling at her, and feel like he wants to apologize, but he didn't. Instead, he shows his gratitude for being saved.

"You're welcome," Tsukiko said with a smile. "Make yourself at home," she said before she walk into the kitchen.

The silver-haired vampire hunter stood where he is, probably thinking Tsukiko was a strange vampire. Like, how can someone be so beautiful, and dangerous, can be so kind and thoughtful. Even though he gets the feeling Tsukiko is not that bad or dangerous, he decides to take a stroll around the house. While strolling around the house, he still has his guard up because he was taught to never let his guard down against a vampire, especially a stranger, unless you know them really well. You can never be too careful, his father once told him. After a while, he find himself in a large bedroom with stuff animals on top of the dresser, picture on the end table, a queen bed, a big oval mirror standing at the corner with a stand, and the wall is purple. There was also a desk, neatly decorated.

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