Episode 36

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Episode 36: Hanabusa’s Fascination


Hanabusa woke up to see that he has been teleported to big bedroom. “And there is no girl here,” he said in disappointment.

Hanabusa went out of the bedroom, and enter a big hallway with golems align on the wall. “Whoa! Golems!” He was surprise to find such thing, especially in Ryuga’s castle. He walks up to one of the golems and was fascinated. “Check it out,” he said in awe.

Just then, the golem’s eyes glows, but Hanabusa didn’t notice. The golem raises its hand and swings its arm at Hanabusa. Hanabusa’s eyes widen in surprise and swiftly dodge the incoming attack.

“Whoa there, bug guy.”

Hanabusa try to freeze the golem feet to the ground, but the golem couldn’t be stop. Then the golem starts running, chasing Hanabusa.

Hanabusa runs for his life from the golem, and shouting, “No, no, no, no!” He tries to open the other doors, but they were all lock. “What is this, Silent Hill?!”

Finally, Hanabusa run to a dead end, and the golem was catching up to him. He smiles. “Well then, guess I’ll try something new.” He uses all his power to freeze the golem, ice surrounding the golem nonstop, hoping to rust it in the process.

After Hanabusa thought it’s enough, he stops using his ice power. The golem became rusted and fragile. Hanabusa walk up to the frozen golem and kick it. The golem fall down and broke into pieces. After his fight with the golem, he continues to search around his surrounding, going from room to room.

While walking around, Hanabusa found himself in a museum room.

“Whoa… This dude sure love collecting.” Hanabusa decided to take his time looking around the collectable items Ryuga has collected throughout his lifetime. Just then, he came to a stop as he saw a big bird, a harpy. He was fascinated by the details. “This birdy sure has a lot of detail.” He was about to reach his hand to the harpy’s face when it came to life.

Hanabusa freak out, and back away from the harpy. The harpy let out loud cry at him.

“Okay, big bird. I’m just passing by.”

The harpy didn’t buy Hanabusa words, and attack him. Hanabusa roll to the side to dodge the harpy’s claws.

The harpy sends her sharp feathers at Hanabusa. Hanabusa dodge and shoot ice shards at the harpy. The ice shards hit the harpy and made her lost balance. They continue to do so, until the harpy manage to counterattack by flapping her wing and send a gale of wind at Hanabusa. He manages to dodge the incoming attack. But then, he heard something swinging back and forth, a sound like stone hitting stone.

Hanabusa behind him and saw an expensive base was about to fall. He quickly tries to rescue the vase from destruction. He runs to the vase then he jumps to ground, sliding to where the vase is, holding his hand out. He manages to save the vase from being destroy.

Hanabusa let out a sigh of relief. “Safe.” He stand up and the vase back on the table.

The harpy let out another loud cry. She was irritated because Hanabusa interrupted her sleep.

Hanabusa turn around to face the harpy. ‘Okay, if Mizuki can do it, I can too,’ he thought as he remember all those times he sees Mizuki making weapons with her elemental power. “Okay, birdy, time for some fun!” he said with a smile.

The harpy charges at Hanabusa. Hanabusa just stand where he is. Just as the harpy was about to reach him, he cut down one of her wings. The harpy fall down to her side, and slowly bleed to death. Hanabusa walk up to the harpy and finish her off.

After his battle, he continues searching around the museum room until he found another door leading to a different hallway, a hallway with a cross design with red carpet covering the marble floor.

Hanabusa stop on his track his remember something. “Oh yeah, I should find the others.” He tries to sense the others’ presence. Once he got a lead on a one of his friends, he went that way, trying to catch up with them as soon as possible. But on the way, he faces skeletons, bats, and ghouls/zombies.

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