Episode 35

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Episode 35: Zero vs The Butcher


After Shion and Mizuki get rid of the ogre, they try to figure out how to get out of the “basement”.

Shion look up where they fell from. “Okay. Here’s what we’ll do. You hang onto me, and I fly us up there.”

“Alright, sounds like a plan.”

Mizuki walked up to Shion as he got his wings ready, then she hugs him. Shion flaps his wings then fly up to the hole they fell from. Once they made it to where they were previously, Shion land on the other side of the floor. Mizuki let go of Shion as he makes his wings disappear. They proceed forward. As they continued moving forward, they enter a room fill with foul smell. A inside cemetery.

“What’s a cemetery doing here?” Mizuki wondered.

“Either these are his friends or he has a sick hobby,” Shion said.

Suddenly, a man in black cloak came out of a tomb with a shovel then he walk up to the hole and start filling the hole with dirt using his shovel.


Zero woke up to see that he is trap in a cage. The first thing that caught his attention is the foul smell of death and decay. “How did I get here?” he wondered.

Then Zero remembers what happen to him previously. “Takeru…”

Zero look around his surrounding and notice that there is a dirty rectangular table in the middle of the room and knives everywhere plus blood-stained.

Then he heard a door open, sounds like a door made of iron. It was a muscular man with red eyes and wearing an apron with blood-stained.

Zero presumes it was the butcher. He gets up from the floor and places his hands on the bars. “Hey! Get me out of here!” he shouted at the butcher.

The butcher looks at Zero, and laugh.

‘What so funny?’ Zero wondered.

The butcher went to the back of the room and came back with a body. The body was naked and it seem like the body is still fresh like it was a new victim. The butcher put the body on the table and starts amputating the poor soul with his big blade.

Zero was disgusted, but he was not scared. “Is that supposed to scare me?” he asked confidently.

The butcher can see that Zero didn’t react the way he wanted Zero to react. The butcher slams his big blade to the table, and left the room.

Zero let out a long sigh. “Got to get out of here.”

Zero looks from left to right, trying to find a way to get out of the cage. He tries to pull the bars off the cage, and he manages to bend them.

“Whoa…” Zero said.

Zero realizes since he’s been drinking Mizuki’s blood, he must’ve gotten stronger than an average normal human being. He looks to the left of the cage and look for the lock. He spotted the lock and pulls it off. To his surprise, he manages to pull the lock off.

Zero opens the cage and walk out. He decided to look around the room, and unfortunately, he found something even more disturbing. He found a bucket of men’s shafts that were amputated from the bodies. He cover his mouth as he feel like he’s about to throw up.

“Sick…son of a…” Zero heard the butcher coming back. He quickly tries to find a place to hide. He didn’t see anywhere to hide but the back. He headed to the back of the room and found bodies hanging upside down on a hook on the ceiling. He regret going to the backroom. ‘Oh hell,’ he thought.

Once the butcher came back to the operating room, he let out a roar of rage when he discovers Zero is not presented in the room.

‘Uh-oh, he’s mad,’ Zero thought.

The butcher grabs his big knife and look around the room. Zero didn’t feel anxious or scared at all. He fights vampires for a life, and not to mention a werewolf. Then, the butcher came into the backroom, dragging his big knife, the blade scratching the floor.

“Hey, ugly!” Zero welcomed.

The butcher let out a growl. “You…ex-human…”

Zero smirked. “That’s not the first time I’ve been call that.”

“Master…wants you gone.” The butcher charge at Zero, swinging his big knife at Zero.

Zero swiftly rolls to side while taking out his gun. Then he shoots at the butcher. It did some damage, but not enough to kill the butcher.

“You weak,” the butcher said.

“Yeah, yeah,” Zero said it like he didn’t care.

Zero’s respond anger the butcher. The butcher charge at Zero with his big knife.

He continues to shoot at the butcher. Each time bullets it the butcher, he would flinch, but still alive.

Zero ran out of ammos and decided to do something else. He did a roundhouse kick, or a swinging kick on the body that’s hanging, and the body went swinging and hit the butcher.

“Argh!” The butcher staggers back and took two steps back, and falls to his right knee.

Zero put away his gun and punched the butcher in the face nonstop until the butcher pushes him away. Zero reloads and shoots at the butcher again. He did the same thing again after he ran out of bullet, hit the butcher with the dead body, and then punch the butcher until the butcher start to lose conscious. Zero took the opportunity to grab the big knife and stab the butcher in the heart.

The butcher let out a scream of pain before he died and fall backward to the ground.

Zero was panting, trying to catch his breath. Then something shining caught his eyes; it was a silver key. Once he catch his breath, he grab the key off of the butcher and back away from the butcher’s body.

Zero walk back to the operating room and went to the door. He unlocks the door, and went out of the room and enters a hallway.

Her Knight, His Princess *Zero Kiryu*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora