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After 855 hours 5793 minutes and 573389 seconds...I finally got up. I rose up from the couch and looked around to find that jerk but he's nowhere to be seen. I glanced at the clock and it said 12 in the afternoon. My stomach started to growl. I rubbed my stomach and walked to the fridge to find something to eat.

There were a lot of food in the fridge but most of them were fast food, milk, coke, and fruit. I then took out an apple and went to Jungkook's study desk. I looked up at the shelf for a book to read. There were a lot of books though. I then approached the desk and a book caught my eyes. It was on the desk beside his laptop. It was more like a notebook. It looked old. I took it and opened the first page.

"Diary? Whose is it? That jerk's?" I mumbled flipping the page and found a well hand-writing. I didn't think, it's Jungkook's diary anymore because it was very old, like ten years ago and was written well. Jungkook's hand-writing sure not good like that.

"Dear diary..." I started to read the first passage.

"It was our son's 9th birthday...we were waiting for him but he never came back that night..." But before I could continue a hand grabbed the book from my hand forcefully. I raised my head up and met Jungkook's hot glare. His frown showed me that he was mad, seriously. I'm dead! I got shocked stepping back and I bumped into the chair.

"How dare you to touch my things! Never ever get your hands on my stuffs again, clear?" His eyes were full with anger. I blinked my eyes as fear built in me. He was scary when he's mad. Seriously, I never saw him mad like that before. We used to fight but he never showed me that side of him.

"You're my wife...but it doesn't mean you can touch everything. Anyway, I don't like when someone tries to find out about me whoever it is. My point is...don't touch my things and don't even try to find out anything about me." He said firmly walking to me. I stepped away from the desk and he opened the drawer to put the book in, closed it and locked the drawer. I bit my lip to prevent myself from yelling to him.

I was his wife and he was telling me that I didn't have right to touch his things including his secret that I wanted to find out.

"So...I don't have right to know more about you even if I'm your wife?"


"So...that you told me that we have to love each other, I have to help you because I'm your wife...that you have to protect me...that a wife should stand on husband's side...are all a lie or something fake that you said just to persuade me to stand on your side?!" My voice got higher and higher as I yelled angrily at him. I could not hold my anger though.


"Let me ask you something...How can I love you? How can I help you? How can trust you? How can I stand on your side when I don't even know who you are actually? or what are you doing? And what do you really want? I never know...and now you're telling me that I don't need to know and I don't have even right to know..." I said staring at him as he looking out of the window. I walked to stand in front of him and looked into his empty eyes.


"Well, if it's what you really want. I don't want to know either. Whatever your past is, whatever you do I don't care." I said the last word walking out of the room and slammed the door shut. Why should he be so cold hearted? So selfish? So careless? Whatever his past was, still he should not be so self-willed. Careless jerk!

I wonder why my grandfather arranged that marriage for me. Where could he see my bright future with that jerk? Oh, my miserable life.

What to do then? I should make many friends though, I had no someone to talk to now. Taejun was studying. Aish! So bored.

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