Zayn and Chaitra (7/29/12)

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You were lying in bed, watching as your boyfriend got ready to go into the studio that day.

"Which shirt?" Zayn asked holding up two blue shirts that looked alomst exactly the same.

"They're exactly the same!" You sighed.

"No! This one is just a shade darker than the other," he protested. "Plus this one is more of my color," he smirked.

You rolled your eyes. "Then why did you ask in the first place?"

He just shrugged and you laughed. He went into the bathroom to finish is morning routine. A couple minutes later he came out to get ready to go. He went over to the bed to give you a goodbye kiss.

"Have a great day, Chaitra," he said kissing your forehead. As he bent over you noticed a stain on his shirt.

"There's toothpaste on your shirt," you joked, laughing.

He looked down and saw the stain. He pouted and you started laughing some more.

"You wanna laugh, huh?" he said, with that look in his eye that you know he's going to do something crazy. You closed your eyes expecting for the worst.

In a matter of seconds his hands were all over you and you couldn't breathe.

"Zayn!" you said laughing. "Zayn, seriously, stop!"

He kept tickling you as you squirmed about on the bed. You laughed as he tickled all the spots he knows makes you laugh the most. He knew your weakness was being tickled and you hated how just the smallest touch could make you cry out in a second.

"I will never stop!" he said with an evil laugh. All the while he kept tickling you until suddenly you were right underneath him.

"Please, stop! I'm begging you!"

"Begging, huh?"

You nodded your head, still laughing as he tickled your sides. There was no way of escaping now. His body was stronger than yours and if you were underneath him there was no way you could win. You'd have to give in at some point.

"I'll do anything!" you said, your stomach hurting from laughing so much.

He smirked as the thought came to his head. "Anything?" he asked. "Kiss me."

"Ew, no. You have cooties," you joked in between fits of laughter. He chuckled before he stopped and pressed his lips to yours. After a few seconds he pulled away and smiled.

"Did you enjoy that?" you asked cheekily.

He made a face. "You have morning breath," he said in a playful tone. You blushed and he just shook his head. "I'm only joking, babe."

He got off the bed and he pulled off the shirt. You admired his toned body and couldn't believe that he was all yours. You watched he put on the other shirt and looked at you and saw you were watching.

"Like what you see?" he joked.

You rolled your eyes and threw a pillow at him.

"Yeah, love you too." he said walking out of the room with a wide smile on his face.

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