Harry and Sydney (8/16/12)

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"Let's go in here!" your friend said pulling on your wrist. You rolled your eyes and let her pull into the store.

You and your friend were at the mall because you heard rumors that One Direction was going to be here all over twitter, but they were no where to be seen. But still your friend wanted to check every store four times even though you'd already given up.

"I think they're gone," you whined. "Can we please go home now? They probably weren't even here in the first place."

"No! They're here, I just know it! I can feel it!"

"Whatever you say," you said. You sipped on your water until it was empty. You groaned because as silly as it sounds it was your form of entertainment for the pst hour.

"I have to go the bathroom," you said. "Stay right here, I'll be back."

You left the store started walking down the hallway. Well at least you were walking until you ran into someone and hit the ground.

"Excuse me," you said a little harsher than expected. You didn't mean to sound so rude but you were just getting a little agitated from the restless shopping.

"Sorry love," said a British accent. You froze. Was that...? No, it couldn't be. 

You looked up to see a tall man reaching down for your hand. You sighed realizing that you were wrong, and it wasn't One Direction like you had hoped. Instead it was just a creepy teenage boy with dark glasses and a mustache. Another man, slightly older, had almost the same look but he was just a tad bigger.

"I'm going to go now," you said getting up without the strangers help and started making your way to the bathroom. You heard footsteps following behind you and you started to hurry knowing that the strange people were close behind you.

You picked up your pace and turned around. Yes, the boys were still right behind you and they were right on your tail. All you need to do was make it to the bathroom in time. You turned around but dropped a bag. 'Oh no, they're going to rape me,' you thought. 

You reached down to grab the bag but big hands beat you to it. You looked up and grab the bag warily from the strange man.

You couldn't help but stare at how awkward he looked. And he just stared right back. You wanted to turn and run to the bathrooms where you knew you would be safe but you couldn't make yourself move.

Suddenly, the mustache fell off his face and glided to the floor. The boy's face fell and you knew it was fake. Then you realized..


The boy blushed but didn't move.

"Harry Styles?"

"You caught me," he said taking off the glasses and a wig. "But please don't say anything. I'm really not in the mood for a bunch of screaming girls following me around."

"Following you around, huh? Is that why you were following me?"

Harry looked confused. "Following you? We were just headed to the bathrooms." He pointed to a door further down the hall. "This wig is so itchy!"

You blushed in embarrassment. "Oh. Well you're secret's safe with me," you smiled.

"Okay, thanks," he said. "Well, have a nice day," he said before walking away.

You stood there and couldn't move. Harry freaking Styles. You just talked to Harry freaking Styles.

"Excuse me," you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see Harry's smiling face. "I forgot something," he said and handed you a paper. "Use this wisely." He smiled a flirty smile.

You looked down at the paper to see his number scrawled across the bottom. "I will," you laughed. "And my name is Sydney, by the way."

"Well, Sydney, I look forward to hearing from you," he smiled and his dimples looked like they grew in size. He turned away and leaved you in a complete daze.

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