SIX| green eyed Carter

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"Ah! If you swerve like that one more time so help me god-"

"-Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't really listening in class when they taught us how to drive a car-- oh wait." Ren quipped as he shot a quick glare at his seething friend in the passenger seat. "I don't know how to drive a freaking car!"

"Pull over." Carter demanded impatiently.


"Pull... Over."

"Why wou-"

"Just pull over!" The blonde snapped and Ren raised his brows at her sudden mood swing before he reluctantly complied to her instructions.

"Jeez, no need to get snappy..." He trailed off with a lopsided smile on his face, switching his gaze from Carter's broken arm to her very unamused glare. "See what I did there?"

Without a single word, Carter opened the car door and promptly threw up directly outside the vehicle, making her companion shudder in disgust. After three rounds with her stomach, the nauseous car sick feeling faded slightly. With an elongated sigh, she leaned back in the car seat and closed her eyes briefly, wiping her mouth with the back of her sleeve idly.

"Are you okay?" Ren asked hesitantly.

Opening one eye slowly, Carter sent Ren a pointed look, her eyebrow raised incredulously. "My arm is broken, I just threw up and I'm on the road trip from hell with the most unsympathetic person ever."

Ren blinked a few times before nodding slowly. "A simple no would have sufficed."

Carter resisted the urge to roll her eyes and punch him. "Wake me up when we get to camp."

"Oh no," Ren scoffed, putting the car into the wrong gear and making them stall. "Dammit. You aren't going to sleep Carter, I don't really want to deal with lugging your possibly dead body around. Or your boyfriend-- I'd rather not deal with angry version of a naturally angry looking guy."

Carter changed the gear for him and then rolled her eyes. "I'm not going to die if I fall asleep you idiot, I'm just... tired."

"Look we're like, I don't know-- five minutes away from camp, just stay awake before I slap you around the face." He sighed, growing tired of her constant back chatting. She didn't respond to him and instead decided to sulk and look out of the passenger window in a dramatic manner. Ren took it as a sign of defeat and smiled smugly to himself, driving on.

Looked like she wasn't that stubborn after all.


It looked the same, but so much different at the same time.

Carter couldn't help but widen her eyes as they drove up to the secure gate of what once was Camp Jaha, but now a sign stood boldly over the gates, thick steel letters which were hard to mistake. Arkadia. She smiled faintly to herself. It was was just a sign, sure, but it wasn't just a sign at the same time; it was change, it was evolution for the people of the Ark. It proved that they weren't just a rickety bunch of survivors, it proved that they were a community, ready to build themselves up from the dust of their fallen home. They were ready to live, really live, rather than just survive.

It was the beginning of their civilization.

"Looks kinda dull if you ask me." Ren murmured in a bored and disinterested tone, drumming his thumbs on the steering wheel impatiently as they waited to for the two guards on the gate to advance towards the vehicle upon realizing the people who left in the car weren't there.

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