NINE | some eggs need breaking

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I'm back, hi!

I have an announcement to make, which is partially the reason I haven't updated in a while, but I'm not quite ready to announce it just yet :).

Just know that I'm sorry and I'm back!

Bold= Swedishhhh just in case you forgot

N I N E | some eggs need breaking

The entire idea was ridiculous.

"Does anyone feel like this is a bad idea?" Carter asked, rolling her neck from the cramp that nagged at the top of her spine.

"Coming from the girl who is literally full of bad ideas." Raven scoffed, swinging on the desk chair whilst chewing on a pen. Their first plan of action was to see if they could find the launch codes and activate the missiles from the control room, but if they couldn't do that then they would have to manually launch them from where the missiles were, which to Carter, sounded absolutely absurd and suicidal.

Leaning back from her designated computer, Carter raised her eyebrow and sent a pointed look at the mechanic, "Need I remind you of how we ended up in space in the first place? Big bombs do big booms." Carter motioned an explosion with her hands. "I'd rather not play with the very things that destroyed Earth."

"But you'll happily help me make homemade bombs?" Raven retorted with mild amusement.

"That's different," Carter replied lamely, waving her hand in dismissal as she turned her attention back to the computer.

"Ladies, ladies, please if you're going to fight..." Ren chimed in with a smirk and as Carter prepped herself to hear a comment such as 'do it in the mud with bikinis on,' she watched his expression drop. "Do it somewhere else because you're ruining my concentration zen, damn."

There was a brief moment of silence before Raven launched her pen at Ren, successfully hitting the side of his head, making him flinch. The mechanic smiled sarcastically at him, to which he raised his eyebrows with a slight smile. "Touche, Raven, touche."

"Come on guys, we're here to crack a code," Sinclair rolled his eyes, leaning against one of the desks with exasperation. He decided to stay behind last minute in order to keep a watchful eye over the younger members who had been tasked with cracking the launch codes, and he was glad he did, considering that was the fifth time he had to keep them in check. "What have you got for me?"

Before anyone could answer him, footsteps suddenly reverberated loudly from outside the room they were allocated in. Almost instantly, the four of them tensed over as they grabbed the closest thing to weapons as they could. In Carter's case, it was a wrench. In the next breath, Gina curved around the corner, quickly skidding to a stop when she saw the others looking ready to attack and her eyes widened.

"Woah guys, it's just me," She breathed, holding her hands up in surrender. The small group relaxed upon seeing no threat and lowered their makeshift weapons. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Why are you back?" Ren asked curiously, though he sounded harsher than he intended and quickly decided to sound not so blunt. "I mean, you were going with the crew to the Summit, weren't you?"

"Yeah-- well I was, but then I figured that you guys might need some help." She smiled, only looking slightly awkward.

"No offence, but I heard you worked in Hydro on the Ark?" Carter cocked her head slightly, raising her eyebrow. Sure, Carter wasn't a massive fan of Gina, mainly because she was experiencing slight jealousy where the girl and Bellamy were concerned, but she didn't seem like a bad person. However, Carter didn't understand what help someone from Hydro would be able to contribute as far as missile launch codes were concerned. "Knowledge on water isn't really what we're looking for at the moment."

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