Chapter 31

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(A/N: You might want to refer to Chpt 1 for the descriptions of Alexandra's band mates)


"W-Why are you here?" I asked, moving out of the way as she pushed into he house. Johnny followed her, patting my head. Reagen stuck his tongue out at me and David winked, grinning his Cheshire smile.

"What, I can't see my daughter?" She asked, turning around to smile at me. I looked at her like she was crazy, missing the obvious.

"Well, I mean, you did tell me for 17 years of my life that you couldn't come see me because my father was crazy and threatened your life if you came anywhere near here. So I guess I just assumed," I said, sarcasm dripping off my voice as I crossed my arms. My mother looked at David and then Johnny, before looking at me with a dejected look.

"He did. He did threaten me. At first, he did. Then he contacted me and asked me to help buy this house. Saying I had to do something for you, that you deserved it," she said. I looked at the floor, jaw twitching. "So technically this house is half mine. He doesn't know I'm here but if he did he wouldn't care," she said, smiling. I wasn't. I was not smiling.

"So you lied to me? You told me he threatened you for years, you let me believe my father was a monster-" I started but stopped when my mother interupped.

"He is a monster," her face was blank, the guys beside her looking down. I forgot how scary my mother could be, I thought. "Don't think he isn't. But all monsters were not monsters in the beginning. Something has to make them that way," she said, crossing her arms. I looked to my right, not meeting her eyes as my anger left me.

"I know," I said quietly. My mother's face softened and she came over to hug me. "Why are you here though? You didn't tell me," I asked as she pulled away. She moved a strand of hair from my face.

"Sydney called me. Said you needed me, it was important," my confused face made her smile and laugh a little. "I gave her my number when she first got pregnant. Said it was for emergencies only. This was the first time she's ever used it," she explained. I nodded, understanding. I looked behind her and smiled a little when the guys waved at me. I felt tears prick my eyes and I ran over like a child, jumping on David and being engulfed into a group hug. They all cooed at me, making me laugh.

"I missed you guys," I said, wiping my face as I pulled away. David smiled, hand on my head.

"We missed you too, squirt. Been a long time, hasn't it?" He asked. I nodded, looking at Reagen when he tapped my shoulder.

"Look, look," he said, showing me a picture of a lady in a sundress, making a goofy face. "That's Gina. I've been dating her for a while, I wish you could meet her," he said as Johnny punched his arm.

"This idiot is all love struck, can't get his head outta the clouds," they all laughed, which made me laugh. It felt amazing, to be able to laugh.

"Alright you three, leave her alone," my mother said, pulling me away from them. "Go raid the fridge or something," she said, getting three salutes.

"Aye, aye, Captain Alex!" They all said in usion, disappearing into the kitchen. I shook my head. Still just like children.

"So how are you, Arissa?" My mother asked, earning my attention. I sighed, walking with her into the living room. There was silence for a while as I searched for an answer.

"I don't know," I said finally, looking up at her. She looked at me sadly, wiping a tear that escaped from my eye. "I don't know how I'm feeling, all I want to do is sleep and cry... I know I don't want to be alone," I said, my voice cracking. My mother sucked her teeth and pulled me in, my forehead resting on her shoulder.

"I know baby. I'm sorry I couldn't help. I was there though," she said, and I looked up at her, eyebrows furrowed. She smiled. "At the funeral. You probably didn't see me, I was up in the balcony. I wanted to make sure you were okay, plus I wanted to pay my respects. I remember you talking to me about her, before you dropped off the face of the earth," she laughed, rubbing my back. Thats when I notcied her black dress. I thought it wad normal, but I realized it was funeral attire. Oh goodness... That meant she saw my performance. Her smile widened as if she read my mind.

"I'm so proud of you, Arissa. You're a lot stronger than you think you are. And that boy?" She said. I looked away, feeling my face heat up. She searched for my eyes.

"He's... He's just Jessie. He's my friend, that's all," I said, shaking my head. My mom chuckled, giving me a look.

"Friends don't look at each other like that," she said quietly. I looked at her surprised. Her eyes held experience and recognition. Like she's been in the same situation.

"He cares for you. A lot more than he cares for himself. I can can see it. You feel the same, sweetheart- even if you try do deny it. It may not be love, but it has the potential to be," she said, caressing my cheek with the back of her hand. I closed my eyes, thinking about Jessie. All he's done for me, all he will do.

"He deserves the truth..." She finished. I sighed and nodded, looking over at her.

"I know he does, I just... I don't know how he's going to react," I said quietly, looking to my mother for advice.

"Even if he never talks to you again, he still needs to know. If he forgives you then he was worth it," she said, her last sentence confusing me. I opened my mouth to ask what she meant but Johnny stuck his head in the doorway.

"Hate to break this up, but we have to go Alex. We can come back later but we have to do that... Thing," he said, not elaborating. My mother sighed and turned to me, squeezing my shoulders.

"I have to go, but I'll come back tomorrow. I don't care what your father says, I will be here for you. Even if I am a bit late," she said, smiling.

"What about your band? The news and the paparazzi? What will happen?" I asked, worried about her reputation. She smiled, kissing my forehead.

"I don't care anymore. Remember the man I was engaged to? He was working for a news station and wanted to get the 'inside scoop'. He never loved me, so I don't care anymore," she said. I looked at her sadly, surprised.

"I'm sorry, mom," I apologized, but she shook her head.

"I realized my mistake was leaving you. I should have been here, and I'm sorry. You don't have to forgive me but just let me be here, okay?" She asked. I smiled a little, nodding. I would always love my mother, I could never hate her or resent her. She grinned and hugged me, right before standing up and patting her dress down. I walked them to the door and waved goodbye as they got in the car, leaving before the sun set.

That night I laid in bed and thought about what my mother said. I realized that she was right. Whether he hates me or not, he deserves to know who I really am. I'm going to tell him.

Even if it kills me.


A/N: I don't really like this chapter but here you go. Its not edited btw. Sowwy.



Invisibly MaskedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora