Chapter 9

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Invisibly Masked: Chapter 9

Dedicated to @Styleswantsmeh!!! This song is you to a T, boo!!! And you know it, love ya!!

Carrie Underwood- Good Girl



Dear god.

Some one shoot me. Please.

My stomach was protesting profoundly over the past, lets say, five hours. I had to get ready for the game, since both Cat and Jessie expected me to be there. Well, I was actually obligated to go for both, but Cat knew the reason why. But it was going to be even harder with Jessie there. He wanted me to wear his jersey. Okay, fine. I have no problem with that. But what happens when the plan is in effect and I'm not in the bleachers, wearing his oh-so-precious jersey? The hell if I know!

I walked up to the main entrance, waving goodbye over my shoulder at Sidney. She had offered to drive me to the game, or should I say jumped at the chance, when she found out I was even going. Ugh, she will never pass up the opportunity to just drop me off somewhere as long as I'm socializing. I swear, one day she's going to sell me to gypsies just so I can have fun. Right.

Giving the old lady the ticket Jessie had handed to me, quite un-shadily I might add, today, I made my way inside, keeping my eyes open for Cat but not really looking. Rubbing my arms, I silently cursed myself for not bringing a hoodie. I only had on black yogas with stockings underneath and a white thermal shirt. Not the warmest of clothing. Giving up to the cold, I decided to take a look around, since it's been a while since I've actually looked and not have my nose in a book or something.

There were two sets of bleachers, two huge ones on each side. One for JK high and the other for the visiting teams family and school students. Fun. The field was in the middle, obviously, with a fence around it and a red track path going around the inside of the perimeter. Two concession stands were at the very end of each side, making me want to strangle someone. I don't want to walk that far for my hot chocolate! Yes, yes. I'm a lazy cow, get used to it.

Suddenly a hand wrapped around my shoulder, pulling me out if my thoughts and back to earth when I was spun around to see Cat. Her hair was up in a pony tail with a braid wrapped around the hair tie and the blue and sparkled white bow, her uniform the same colors except for the name of our football team on the front. Jaguars. How original. But she also had a blue jersey tucked into her dangerously short skirt. I looked up at her.

"Jessie's looking for you," she said. I raised my eyebrows, confusion on my face. She sighed and shook me a bit. "The jersey?! He wants you to wear it, remember? Oh, and that whore he used to be with tried to get it, but he refused, saying someone else was wearing it. She doesn't know who, but she'll be looking. Watch out, he's over by the concession stand," she said quickly, then jogging back over the other cheerleaders, who didn't even spare me a glance, or even a sneer. Nope, invisible. Good.

  Shaking my head a bit to clear it from all this craziness, I made my way through a bunch of people to finally get to the stand. And, like Cat had promised, The football star himself was standing there, next to the blonde idiot I had seen before on Tuesday. Up close I could see bluish grey eyes, and a signature smirk. It wasn't like Jessie's, but it fit his face. He was alright I guess... Okay, okay he was fine. But Cat had dibs. And plus, blondes aren't my type.

"What do you mean, blondes aren't your type?" Jessie asked, smirking. Damn, did I say that out loud?

"Yes, yes you did," his smirk widened, if that was even possible. I glowered at him, not at all in the mood for his games. I huffed and crossed my arms, waving him off.

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