Chapter 16

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 Halestorm- I Miss the Misery

IMASK: Chapter 16

"Wow," Cat sat back, breathing her words. Or, word... I looked at her with a serious expression, my heart beating a mile a minute as she continued to scroll.

"I didn't want it to go this far, Cat. And this is really far. I can't risk it, you know that," I said, fear lacing my voice. Cat looked over at me, a look that said her hands were tied as well. I sighed and jumped off her red and white comforter onto her white plush carpet. I paced the room, pondering.

"I mean its only been, what? A few days? We've done two performances, Cat. Two. How could they react this fast?!" I stopped and exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air. Cat shook her head and held up her hands, setting the laptop aside.

"I don't know, Riss. The only computer genius I know is Max, and I highly doubt he's behind this," she said with a finalized tone. I huffed and crossed my arms, feeling my eyebrows crease together. It hasn't even been that long for someone to become that obsessed.

"Okay, lets try seeing if we can figure this out. Well, we know this person wants to know who you are, unmasked the masked figure. Any guesses?" Cat tried. I stopped and stared at her slowly, wondering if she was secretly a blonde.

"Oh yes, because that narrows it down to, hm, let me think..... the entire school population!" I snapped, making her hold up her hands and chuckle.

"Not to mention the entire internet as well," she said. I groaned and fell onto her bed, laying there for a fair amount of minutes. It was quiet for a moment, until I felt the bed dip beside me.

"Hey Mrs. grumpy gills," Cat said in a weird voice. What? Where have I heard that before?

"When life gets you down you know what you gotta do?" oh god, please no.

"I don't wanna know what you gotta do," I retorted, which was muffled by her blanket.

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming," Cat grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bed, to which I flopped onto the ground like a dead fish. Huh, the irony of that sentence...

"Get up!" Cat yanked on my arm, almost pulling it out of its socket. I yelped and stood up, glaring at me best friend as she continued to sing with a satisfied smirk on her face.

"What do we do, we swim, swim," she sang, dragging me around the room, pulling clothes out of her closet and throwing them at me. I laughed at her as a blue, feather scarf wrapped around my neck. She ran around her room like a bird, pressing the On button on her radio. I shook my head at her, then laughed when her face contorted into surprise.

"Oh my god!! I freaking love this song!" she ran to her radio and turned it up, 'I Miss the Misery' by Halestorm blasting through the speakers. I laughed when she looked at and grinned from ear to ear, giving me a look as the beginning started. She picked up a pair of star sunglasses and put them on, grabbing her hairbrush and jumping on her bed.

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