Chapter 11

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Invisibly Masked: ELEVEN

Chapter 11*  


Christina Aguilera- Candy Man

"I don't want to talk about it right now,"

"But Arissa-"

"I said I don't want to talk about it,"

"Kitten, come on-"

"No, Jessie. I said no,"

"Kitten, just talk to me-"

"I said no god dammit! Can't you just respect that for now?!" I snapped. As you can see, Jessie has been trying to get me to explain what I meant about Jared the whole time that he was helping me clean. But I told him, it was self-explanatory. Jared was Michael's brother, end of story. He just wanted to know more and I didn't want to talk about it. I sighed.

"Just... Wait, okay? I don't feel like talking about it, so just... Wipe off that counter," I said, throwing a hand towel at him. He looked down at it and sighed. Walking over to the counter by the sink, he started to wipe away all the alcohol, while I tried scraping whoever's underpants off the ceiling. How they got there, I have no idea. It was already half past noon, and we had gotten about half the house clean. The living room was vacuumed and the pictures were straightened, the trash in the main hallway was picked up so all we had to do was mop it. I didn't even change out of his jersey and my underwear. I was that focused on getting this house spotless.

I had Jessie check all of the bedrooms to make sure there weren't anymore naked stragglers, and after I scraped the possible STD infested boxers off my kitchen ceiling, it was time to go for the bathrooms. Which there were four of. One in my bedroom, one in Sidney and my father's, one in the hallway downstairs and one connecting Lily and Sam's bedroom. So yeah.

I screamed as the boxers fell, making Jessie burst out laughing. Glaring at him, I kicked them at him, too which he stopped immediately to run, only to slip on some alcohol and fall straight on his butt, trying to grip the counter for support. To say I was laughing would be an understatement. I was literally rolling in the island, clutching my stomach as I tried to breath. I heard Jessie stand up, only to look at him and laugh again. He was trying to glare but I could clearly see the small smile on his face. I pointed at him when I stopped laughing, but I kept smiling.

"You-you got sc-scared, and you s-slipped and f-fell on your ass! Ahahahaha!" I tried saying, only to burst out laughing again. Jessie playfully glared at me, while wiping his hands on the hand towel, then throwing it on the counter. I had stopped laughing then, but was still chuckling a little, when Jessie grabbed both of my wrist and pinned me to the island, jumping up and punning the rest of my body down with his. I squeaked and stopped everything, every movement, but I still couldn't stop smiling like an idiot.

"You think that's funny?" he asked, grinning at me. I tilted my head to the side in thought, replaying what just happened in my head. Okay, dirty panties attacking Jessie's face while he falls on his ass trying to run away from his impending doom? I nodded, smiling wide, pushing the glasses up on my nose. Jessie's eyes darkened and they turned to slits, and the next thing I know he's tickling me. Okay, before any of you start thinking that this is the most adorbs thing ever, let me just get one thing straight. When I get tickled, my blatter has a mind of it's own. I try my best to hold it in every time it happens, and I've only ever failed once. Eighth grade. School Trip. My crush tickled me to no end when I said I had to pee like a race horse. And I did. Most embarrassing moment of my entire life. But anyway, back to the present.

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