Chapter 8

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Invisibly Masked: Chapter 8

Notice Me by Brittany McDonald to the side---------> 


Pictures of Griffon, Brian, Max, Tiana, Lena, and Isabell there too-------> Look at them mugs ;D 


I sighed. This was going to be hard. Going out in front of the best performers of the drama club? I can't even say what I'd rather do in that situation.

As I finished brushing my hair, I set my brush down on the desk. Apparently, Mrs. Greene has a secret room in her office, which is locked most of the time. As far as the drama club is concerned, it's just an old supply closet. Not even worth opening. So yeah, this was my new 'office' per say. It had a desk and one of those old mirrors with lightbulbs around it, making me feel like some kind of Marilyn Monroe. Ha, right.

I looked over at the wall, which had a huge holding thing, with hooks that held the masks she had. Which were only three. One plain black one, one white, and very, very feathery one. Purple and blue. Yeeeaaah, no.

Walking over, I picked the black one since what I had on was the closest to matching. I had taken off my baggy sweater and threw on a grey vest Mrs. Greene let me wear, over my bright blue camisole. Keeping my black tights on, I had on a pair of bright blue heels, also thanks to Mrs. Greene. I was surprised when she handed them to me, but she said she didn't mind at all.

I shrugged and slipped them on, taking my glasses off to put the black mask on. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed, picking up a few bobby pins to hold my bangs back a little on the side of my head. My dark hair was a bit wavy today, making me smile. I look so much like my mother, it's not even funny. Sighing, I stood up and threw a feathered necklace around my neck, the feather stopping at about mid abdomen. I looked at myself once more before grabbing my bag and taking everything out.  

When I bought my shoulder bag, I fell in love with the fact that on the outside it was patched and worn out looking, and on the inside it was black worn leather. Two completely different sides, but both equally the same. Kind of like me. So I switched it from patched to leather, putting everything back inside, along with my sweater and converse, then buttoned it so no one could see inside. A knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts.


Knock, knock


I smiled to myself, remembering the knocking rule I gave Mrs. Greene. It was the same at InToxicated, so I knew what the knock meant.

"Yeah?" I called out in a British accent. Whenever I had the mask on, it was like instinct to switch. Cat would sometimes tease me by covering my eyes on me, so when I asked her to stop, I'd sound British. It was funny to her, since the accent was Ferra's idea.

"It's time, Ari-Mysty," Mrs. Greene called, making me chuckled under my breath at her slip up. She'd have to get used to that. I walked over to the door and opened it, seeing Mrs. Greene standing there, the heels making me a half an inch taller. Only cause she was in flats. She smiled at me.

"Their all waiting on the stage. I made sure the auditoriums doors were locked, so you're safe," she said, turning and walking out the door, with me trailing behind her. I could feel my heart beating a hundred miles a minute, and it was kind of unnerving. But I was used to it, I guess.

Walking through the small stage space behind the red curtain must have been the longest walk of my life, until finally Mrs. Greene told me to stop and wait at the end, right before she walked out and started to talk to someone. Or a lot of someone's.

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