Chapter 20

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Stephen Swartz- Bullet Train


Chapter 20

     Light streamed it through the curtains of the room, making me groan and roll over, my face hitting something warm. Too exhausted and cold to figure out what it was, I snuggled into it, curling up into a small ball. The warm mass moved, something thrown over me and pulling me closer to the heat. I sighed in content, nuzzling my head into the crook of this thing. Whatever it was, it was really freaking comfortable, the crook being especially heated. I fell asleep once more, succumbing to the darkness, until a while later I woke up in the opposite position. Something strong was thrown over my waist, and a slight warm breeze fanned over my neck. I yawned and stretched, the strong object tightening around me. A small noise escaped my mouth, making the object behind me groan. I froze, my eyes widening. What the...?

     Turning slightly, I cam face to face with a sleeping Jessie. My mouth opened, but I covered my mouth with my hand to keep from screaming. Oh no, oh no, no, no, no! My eyes traveled down from his peaceful face to his neck and then to his... tattoo covered shoulder? How in the hell...? A shoulder that was connected to an arm, which was currently wrapped around my waist. I was laying next to Jessie. Sleeping in the same bed with Jessie Tompsin. Cuddling with The Bad Boy of Jacklyn High! Oh, what the Margaret wouldn't give to be in my position. The thought made me cringe. She probably already has been...

     Shaking my head, I tried to lift his arm, but he just pulled me closer, so the point where I could feel his heart beat. Which was calm and soft, unlike mine; erratic and pumping. I bit my lip and tried again, ignoring the throbbing pain in my temple. But it just made him pull me even closer, he even tangled his legs with mine. I sighed, going for a third time. Like they always say, third times a charm, right? Well, not in this case. Instead, one minute I'm trying to untangle myself, the next he's on top of me holding me down.

     “Arissa,” He whispered, making me gasp and hold my breath. His morning voice in fucking heavenly... Stop! No, no!

     “It's really fucking bright in here,” He said, snuggling his head into my neck, plopping on top of me. I released my breath, pushing him off of me and sitting up. My shirt was all wrinkled and was completely hanging off my one shoulder, and my hair fell around my shoulders. Sighing, I took the hair tie off my wrist and tied it up in a messy bun, turning to see Jessie gazing at me lazily.

     “Do you ever wear your hair down?” he asked, his voice deep and silky. I refrained from shivering and shook my head, standing up to close the curtains. I heard a deep chuckle and turned around to see Jessie smirking at me.

     “What's so funny?” I asked, my hands on my hips. He eyed me for a minute with an odd, feral look in his eyes, before rolling into his stomach, his muscled arms finding their way under his pillow. Arms that were wrapped around me not five minutes ago.

     “Sexy underwear,” was all he said, making me look down to find that yes, I was certainly in my underwear. Specifically the only sexy, lacy pair I had. I sighed and shook my head, the pounding in my temple too painful for me to care. I sat on the edge of the bed, looking at my surroundings. The room was dark except for the little stream of light coming from the curtains, but from what I could see we were in a motel of sorts. The walls were painted a greenish blue, and the carpet looked like a faded white. I picked up my feet as a precaution. The sheets on the bed were also a dark blue, and surprisingly soft. There was a box TV on a dark wooden dresser, and a floor lamp next to a body length mirror. A door on the far left of the room was open just a pinch and was dark inside, so I was assuming it was the bathroom. How exactly did we get here?

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