Chapter 18

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Britney Spears- Circus

Chapter 18

Sighing, I set my chin on my hand as the Orchestra finished their second song. I clicked the lock button on my phone to see what time it was, sighing even louder this time when I realized I had thirty minutes left until my 'Convention'.

“Shh,” someone hushed from my side, making me look over to glare at Jessie. He gave me a boyish grin and looked to the front of him.

 “Bored already, Kitten? I'd think this would be entertaining for you,” He teased, making my roll my eyes.

 “Its not that, it just seems as though they're taking so much longer than they need to,” I whisper exasperated, laying my head on the back of the seat. Jessie chuckled, leaning in closer to me so I could hear him.

 “What, do you wanna leave us already? To go to your 'convention'?” He shook his head, using my guilt against me. I gave him a look.

 “You know that's not it. I can't get out of this, no matter what I try,” I countered. I wasn't exactly lying to him, I couldn't get out of this dance for the life of me. I was too deep into it already. Jessie rolled his eyes, and something in them told me he didn't believe a thing I said.

 “Kitten,” He drawled, looking into my eyes, which made my heard beat rapidly in my chest. Oh dear God, what? “I know you're lying to me,” he whispered, making my eyes widen slightly. Wait, what?! Oh dear lord, does he mean what I think he means?! I think I might hyperventilate, oh no, fraking noodles....

 “I heard about the convention. Its for colleges out in California and Hawaii,” my heart dropped out of my throat and returned to its spot, making muscles relax. Okay, he didn't know about Mysty.

 “So what is it you're actually leaving us for?” He asked, my head snapping towards him. My mouth opened but closed again, my mind drawing a blank. What do I day to him? I can't exactly tell him the truth, that would just defeat the purpose.

 “I, uh, I have a um...” I trailed off, searching my brain for something, anything than the truth. Jessie raised an eyebrow, waiting patiently as the music slowly died down.

 “A date,” I blurted finally, surprising myself. A date? Seriously? That was what you came up with?

“A date?” Jessie asked, his eyes darkening a bit. The heck? Oh well, I'll just have to go with it.

 “Yeah. A, uh, blind date. Cat set it up for me,” words. Words I shouldn't be saying but are just coming out. I'll just have to tell Cat to cover for me. Lets just hope I get to her before Jessie does, though.

 “So you have no idea who it will be?” Jessie asked, snorting as his signature smirk crawled onto his lips, but his eyes stayed their abnormal dark. I shook my head. Yeah, a blind date with Destiny*.


 Jessie's POV

 I watched as the orchestra ended its third and final song. There are originally supposed to be four, but from what Cat told me, the orchestra decided not to do it; in which giving us our advantage. The audience doesn't know that though. Both Cat and Arissa had left about eight minutes ago, leaving Gabe and I sitting together. My thoughts drifted to Arissa, wondering what the hell had happened to me when she said she had a blind date. I knew I didn't like her, not like that, but it was almost as if I got... protective of her. I didn't want her to go on a date. Especially a blind date. What if her was a murderer, or she went missing like some horror movie type shit? I shook my head, unclenching my fist that I didn't realized was turning white. She was independent and strong, she could handle herself. But who was I trying to convince? If there was anyone in the this world that knew how fucked up it was, it would be me. Closing my eyes, I pinched the bridge of my nose. Don't go into that now, Tompsin. Not here.

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