Chapter 13

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Invisibly Masked: Chapter 13

 Criminal by Britney Spears in on the side, and the picture is Arissa's outfit. just, no hat, and the sweater a bit mor baggy and a little worn. Her hair is up, obviously. Enjoy!!

not edited


“Is he able to control water all the time? 'Cause that would be awesome!” Lily asked, sitting on her knees next to me on my bed.

“Of course he's able to, he's the son of Poseidon! It’d be a stupid movie if he couldn’t, then no one would watch it,” Sam retorted, throwing a piece of popcorn at her little sisters head. Lily stuck her tongue out. I chuckled, turning up the volume on my laptop. We were watching Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief in my bedroom; Sam and Lily currently arguing over whether Percy can 'bend water' all the time or not. It was very entertaining.

“Well, what if he couldn't? People would still watch it even then because Logan Lerman is sexy!” I sputtered laughing, almost choking on my water. When did Lily learn that word?!

“No, Cause he's a half-blood, and his father controls water, so that means he does! Just because Logan's a stud, doesn't mean people are gonna keep watching it!” Stud? Wow, this just keeps getting better. I bit my lip, trying to focus on the movie. But it was hard, very hard.

“Okay, Miss Fancy Pants, then we'll do a survey. Ask as many people as possible what they think! Rissa?” I looked up suddenly at Lily's demanding voice. Both of them were on their knees now, looking at me expectantly, wanting me to choose each others side. I opened my mouth, but all that came out was air. I sighed and smiled, finding a remedy for this fight.

“Guys, don't fight. Just relax and watch the movie,” I said, looking between the two of them. I smiled in a conniving manner.

“Or I'll bring out the tickle monster!” I yelled, making them squeal. Capturing them, I started to tickle them both, making sure to close my computer and swiftly set it aside.

“Stop, stop, I'm gonna pee!” Lily wined, I stopped tickling them both, letting them breath, before starting again. I started laughing as well when Sam started to snort, making me fall of the bed, with both of them on top of me. I groaned from the weight, rolling over on my cream colored carpet, Lily and Sam still giggling. I sighed, sitting up on my elbows and looked from left to right at the girls. They were still laughing a little, making my smile a bit. Leaning back, I threw my arms behind my head and stared at the design I painted on my ceiling.

It was a huge purple flower, with a bunch of different white designs inside of the pedals and center. It wasn't finished, mostly because I only painted when I thought. Another thing I did other than listening to music and singing. Just look at my walls. Their not so white anymore. Mostly purple and blue, a little green and yellow. I had a wave painted with sea horses that you see in the second Percy Jackson movies, reminding me of the ocean. It was small and on the door to my closet, but it calmed me down when I was upset with my father or with the stuff my mother gets herself into. It reminds me of the time when we were all happy.

There's this memory I have from when I was younger, with the three of us. Its not as vivid as I wish it would be, but it was worth the brain power. My mother had taken me to the beach with my father, and I remember their smiling faces in my head. The love in their eyes when they looked at each other. It was mesmerizing, something that was burned into the back of my skull. It seemed so real, and I believed it was. The day was so perfect. The beach was clear of any other person, only us three. It was Sunday, my dads only day off and mom canceled her practice to have a beach day. We had taken Mom's jeep and packed towels. I think there was a picnic basket as well, but I was little and its still blurry. The temperature was warm, not too hot. There wasn't any boom box or radio, only my mother's guitar and voice. She would sing, and teach me some of the strings, while dad made the sandwiches. Banana peanut butter and jelly. It's my mom and I's favorite.

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