Chapter 19

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September 21st

The sun was shining brightly in that morning for I was in a great mood for particular reasons. Harry and I were slowly becoming good neighbours, as long as he stopped letting his socks in-between the big red pillows of the sofa. Apparently the boy likes to fall asleep in it and has to (imperatively) sleep barefoot. Lord knows why.

I got to the dining hall and they were all five seated. Some were eating their breakfast while others had already eaten at home. Niall and Melanie were holding hands above the table but weren’t talking to each other; Melanie was carefully hearing Emma while she babbled about something and characterizing it with her hands. Niall was casually chatting with his mates too. I went on sitting in the middle of Emma and Louis; those two were ridiculous, they wanted to stay close but were too proud to admit it.

After putting another spoon full of cornflakes in his mouth, Harry said:

-          What took you so long, Rose? – I was going to respond but he interrupted me. – It doesn’t matter anyway; look I wanted to talk to you about us eating dinner on the dorm today. I don’t know about you but I haven’t finished my math homework and I could use a little help so you know, we could do it together.

Emma raised her eyebrows at me for a second and then continued her task of telling her life story to Melanie. To be fair, Harry was being oddly kind in the last few days. Or maybe it was I who had judge him unfairly in the past. Oh well.

-          Actually Harry, I’m not going to be sleeping here today. – I said not letting my excitement to show off.

-          Again? It’s been like 4 or 5 times that you have slept at home already, what can you possible still have there that you don’t have here? – he asked.

-          First, you have nothing to do with my sleeping places, I still enjoy spending time with my mother if you may recall. Second, you have slept at your own place, as many times as I have and thirdly – I smiled – I have to get something classy to wear.

I caught Emma’s attention. Actually, I caught the whole table’s attention.

-          What? Why? – Harry asked.

I looked at all of them before proudly saying:

-          I’ve got a date. 

Emma gave me an exciting “What?” while Melanie for starters just repeated the same question full of thrill “Who? Who? Who?”; she was jumping in the bench while saying it. But Louis’ reaction was the meanest; the boy just spit his drink the moment I said I was going on a date. I admit I wasn’t the most required girl in the past but that was just cruel.

-          Why is that such a surprise for you, Louis? – I asked frontally.

-          It’s not like that, is just...  – he seemed nervous. – forget it. Who’s the lucky guy?

And all of a sudden I was happy again and I was talking to the whole table.

-          That’s the best part, the one and only... James Miller!

-          Really!? – Emma asked. – When did that happen?

And before answering to her I heard Louis saying “Oh boy” looking straight to Harry. I ignored it.

-          Just this morning. He caught me coming downstairs and he just asked me out. – I said simply.

-          Oh that is so great Rose, finally the boy gain some senses. – Melanie said.

I widened my eyes.

-          Yeah... I mean, not that I’ve been waiting or anything, but you know is cool.


Emma helped me out trying to hide a giggle.

-          So, when is it anyway? – she asked.

-          Tomorrow night. My mum won’t be home so he’ll just pick me up here.

I was now becoming anxious about it, with a not in my stomach.

-          You can’t go. – Harry said finally. The whole table looked at him. – You can’t go, we have to do rounds, remember? – and he said it so coldly, like he was mocking me for forgetting.

But I didn’t forget.

-          I know, that’s why he’ll bring me up to school at the end of the date. I’ll be there, Harry. – I said trying to understand him.

-          Fine, just don’t be late. – he said.

Then he just grabbed his tray and got off.

-          Wow, that boy needs to clear his head off with some snogging in the broom closet. – Emma said.

But I couldn’t help but get worry about him since I noticed Louis was too.

Present day

We were now getting off the restaurant with dr. holding the door for me to exit.

-          So, you did date before Harry. – dr. commented.

-          Of course! I lived the life the fullest.  - I said joking.

He looked at me making an ugly face.

-          I don’t think even you believed what you just said.

I laughed but for a brief moment I had like this epiphany when I realized: Gee, even my dr. can see that I’m not some big shot around here; great.

-          So, how was it? The date, I mean. – dr. asked.

-          It was okay. I wore a red skirt that made a balloon kind of thingy and a large blue top with big white circles. - he narrowed me. – This is important for you to know because I’ve spent hours choosing that outfit, ok?

He gave in.

-          Anyway, we went to a bowling salon nearby and ate pizza there. It was fun; really, he even helped me throwing the ball and everything. – I said.

-          So, he went for the typical. – dr. said.

-          Yeah, I guess you can put it that way. Now that I think about it, it didn’t have anything special but in that time, everything seemed magical and perfect. I genuinely believed I could never be happier than when he grabbed my waist to help me out, throwing the ball.

We both laughed.

-          It just seems a life time ago, you know? – I asked.

He nodded. We were just wondering around town with our arms like hooks, and I figured we were going to walk all up to his office.

-          And did that James boy kissed you goodnight? – he asked.

-          Yes he did. – I blushed a little. – And he was a perfect gentleman; actually he was a perfect gentleman all night. No wonder I thought I was completely in love with him, he was funny and charming, although he did talk oddly much about himself and his family history. But I was just mesmerized looking at him. – I laughed remembering.

-          And did the night ended there? – he asked.

-          No. The best part came next.

    Here it is! Chapter 19 is up, I'm sorry I've been out these past days. I really hope you still enjoy reading this story because I really love to write it. So pleaaaaase, vote and comment? Love you tons <3

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