Let the Battle Begin!

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"Now, presenting the first wild card winner from the Mt. Silver Tournament. From Shamouti Island, in the Orange Islands, Aaron Tajiri!" the announcer exclaimed.

Ash could hear the crowd roaring, as his platform rose. The bright lights of the stadium caught his eyes, but he doesn't flinch or even squint. The same could be said for Pikachu, who sat firmly on his shoulder. They had been there before, as they both have battled in front of massive crowds in high tense situations. They were calm and relaxed. Unfortunately, Lucario is feeling the exact opposite.

Ash noticed Lucario shaking. He placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's alright, Lucario. We have prepared five years for this. I know you can do it," Ash communicated with him through the aura.

Lucario took his eyes off the stands and focused them back onto Ash. "Thank you, master. I will not disappoint you."

Ash smiled and nodded at his faithful friend, before turning his head to where his opponent would be presented.

"And now, give a warm welcome for the 'Dragon Queen of Unova', the Dragon Master from the Village of Dragons, Iris!" the announcer yelled out with bravado. It was clear to Ash who the crowd favorite was, but he couldn't blame them. Iris had accomplished quite a lot since their travels through Unova.

Ash held a cold stare, as he saw her rise from the ground. She kept many of the same features she had since their travels. The same bushy purple hair, the same long-sleeved yellow shirt with the pink trimmings and the white leggings. What had changed was the Pokémon that was standing next to her.

The once small Axew was now a mighty Haxorus. The ax jaw Pokémon roared when the platform stopped. The tan armor-like scales that adorned its back and tale were a stunning contrast with the black that was on its stomach and nose. What really stood out was the ax-like appendages that came from the dragon Pokémon's mouth.


The group looked on in awe. "Wow. Iris sure has done a great job raising her Haxorus." Max said hesitantly as he observed the awe jaw Pokémon.

Gary Oak didn't hear the commotion that the rest of the group were making about Iris, as his eyes were focused on Aaron. Trevor wasn't part of the commotion because he was in deep thought as his eyes were fixed on Aaron. Time to see how good this Aaron guy is and what I might be up against.

As for Gary, his eyes were still fixed on the dark figure with the Pikachu. So, you finally came out of the shadows. What are you planning? He thought as his body tensed up from the tender touch of his grandfather.

Professor Oak laughed at his grandson. "My, my, if I didn't know any better, I guessed that you wanted to be out there. I see that you haven't lost that battling spirit after all these years," he stated with a chuckle.


Ash couldn't wait anymore. He was ready to get this battle underway. He could feel the heat of moment coming on. But it wasn't nerves, it was pure excitement that was coursing through his veins. Ash waited five years for this moment, and now, it was finally here. He paused for a second, as his eyes made their way to the box. He saw her standing there.

The group gasped as Ash's eyes fell onto Serena, who was standing towards the back of the group. She froze. Their eyes met for just a brief moment, but it was as if time stood still. Serena could see an ever so minor relaxation in his posture. His shoulders hung a little lower and his clenched fists loosened their grip.

Ash had seen what he needed to see. He remembered all his Kalos Gym Battles and Lumiose Conference battles. During each one, Serena was there to cheer him on, and she always had the same effect on him. He would look to her before every match, and now, he was able to do it again.

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