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Shout out to digi-fan111, of DeviantART, for their artwork above!

Ash stood there, with his mind frozen. He stood there and saw Pikachu, his faithful starter, standing in the center of the crater. He stood there, but with no energy. Any command given would be useless. He couldn't even dodge the next attack. His eyes shot up quickly to see Persian begin to move.

Anxiety gripped Ash, his stomach drop, and a feeling of dread began to fill him. Then, something happened. Persian turned to view Giovanni. His eyes followed the normal type's gaze. He saw the anger and desperation in Giovanni's eyes vanish, replaced by a look of love. His eyes went back to the Kanto Pokémon when he saw movement.

The classy cat Pokémon fell forward, after taking a step, and struck the ground, unable to move. His eyes darted back to Giovanni, who mimicked his Pokémon. He fell to his knees. He leaned forward and put his hands on the ground in despair.

He sat there, processing this turn of events before his mind was awakened by the roar of the crowd. He had done it. He had finally won.


Serena waited, with her hands clasped over her mouth, while tears raced down her cheeks. She silently urged Pikachu to stay conscious.

Her anxiety melted away, as she looked to see the normal type pass out. Her hands flew up into the air, as she jumped up and down, screaming her heart out. She was shaking, as her emotions were finally able to completely be let loose. A wave of relief washed over her, as she was hugged from the side. She turned to see Misty, the one person, in the group, who had been the hardest to be friends with, standing there and hugging her.

"HE DID IT!" Misty squealed, as she began to jump up and down.

Serena joined her again, as she began to laugh hysterically. She couldn't believe it! The nightmare was over; and this time, she wouldn't wake up from this dream.

"HE WON! HE DID IT, HE REALLY DID IT! HE ACTUALLY WON!" she screamed, at the top of her lungs.

May and Dawn were both hugging Brock, as the trio was laughing as well. Relief was washing over them. It had been so long since the entire group had shared in the enjoyment.

Bonnie was screaming her heart out. Her screams were cut short, as she was grasped by both arms. She squeaked, as she turned and was caught off guard by a pair of lips, crashing into hers. Her eyes widened when she saw that Max had his eyes closed and acted so boldly.

Max opened his eyes; and immediately, ended the kiss. He backed up to take a good look at who he had just kissed. A faint pink blush made its way across his cheeks. Both teens looked at each other awkwardly, before turning to look at the battlefield and cheer even harder.

"You did it, Ash," Trevor said as he leans back into his chair, with a sigh of relief that followed. "You've finally got your life back."

"That Ash," Brittany said, as she turned to view her husband's relaxed and peaceful expression. "He sure can surprise us. Isn't that right, my Pika Prince?"

"You're right, my Pika Pooh Angel. Ash is full of surprises." Trevor answered back, as he gives a quick kiss on the lips to his wife, who was sitting next to him before a certain little girl interrupted them.

"Did you see that, mommy and daddy?! Ash won with his cute and strong Pikachu! Isn't that amazing!?" Ashley exclaimed, along with her Pichu and Charmander, who both let out of cry of delight.

Both parents chuckled at their daughter's reaction towards Ash's victory, as the father picked up the 3 ½-year-old and puts her on top of him, with her legs resting on his shoulders.

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