The Eyes of Determination!

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Part 3 of Ash and Paul's Battle! Enjoy!

Ash's platform rose to reveal him and his two companions, to the stadium above and the roaring crowd. He looked over and saw Paul standing, there with his arms crossed and an annoyed look on his face.

"About time you showed up! You better bring your best this time, Aaron!" Paul shouted.

"Be careful what you wish for Paul," Ash answered as he stared down his opponent. "You might get exactly what you asked for. Lucario, I choose you!"

Lucario gave a grunt before leaping into the air and doing a front flip. He landed gracefully on a knee before rising. He crossed his arms, in front of his chest. He let a battle cry as he threw his arms back, releasing a blast of aura. The wave of energy created a wind that raced up the stadium seating and sent chills down the spines, of those around.

Paul stood there in shock at the power the aura Pokémon radiated, before quickly regaining his wits.

"That's cute, but that little show of strength won't intimidate me! Magmortar, stand by for battle!" he shouted as he released his next choice.

The blast Pokémon stood with a smirk on its face. Its primarily red body was covered with yellow streaks that resembled a flame. Its shoulders stuck up in red flames, while a yellow streak came from its head that's also resembling its fire type. Both its arms were yellow cannons with black rings at the elbows. The Pokémon held a smirk as it eyed its next opponent.

"We'll show you true firepower! Magmortar, use Fire Blast full power!" Paul commanded.

The blast Pokémon raised one of its cannon arms and released the powerful fire attack. The attack sent heat throughout the stadium, raising the temperature from the powerful fire type move.

Lucario stood there without flinching. He smirked as he heard Ash's command.

"Lucario, use Aura Sphere right in front of you!"

The jackal-like Pokémon focused its energy into its right hand, forming a blue sphere of aura. He took the ball and slammed it into the ground, in front of his position. The ground shook as a giant wall of earth suddenly protruded from the stadium floor.

Paul looked on in amazement, as the fire type attack hit the wall of earth. The fire was diverted to either side, leaving the Pokémon, behind it, completely untouched. When the attack ended, the wall could be seen smoldering; but it still stood there, blocking the vision of the aura Pokémon and its trainer, behind it.

Suddenly, the wall crumbled and exploded, as a yellow beam of energy escaped, from behind its barrier. The attack hit the blast Pokémon while sending it flying towards the wall, behind Paul.

Paul stared at the devastation that the attack caused, before turning and seeing Lucario, who was turned sideways with a single paw in the air. A grin of satisfaction graced its lips, as it eyed the hurting fire type. Paul then turned to Aaron and froze when he saw his eyes. The once-defeated look was now replaced with a fire he had never seen before in his competitors. The look cut Paul to the core. He shook his head as he heard his fire type groan in pain.

Magmortar had, somehow, kept a hold of consciousness. He slowly walked back to the battlefield, gasping for air, with every step it took. Paul let out a low growl, as he eyed his fire type.

"Magmortar, use Fire Blast once again!" he commanded.

Magmortar grimaced as it slowly raised its arms and fired the attack at Lucario.

Ash chuckled as he watched the futile attempt, given by the pained fire type.

"Lucario, use Extreme Speed to dodge. Then, wrap it up with Bone Rush," he responded calmly.

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