Meet and Greet!

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After hearing those names, Ash stood there frozen, in front of the mother and daughter, with the door, leading to the elite suite, behind.

Ash's thoughts were racing upon discovering who they were. Wait a minute! Their names are Brittany and Ashley!? Are they Trevor's wife and child?! I'll know when we all get into the box.

"Aaron?" Brittany spoke up while giving a puzzled look to Ash, as he is snapped back into reality, "You feeling alright there?"

Ash shrugged the shunned look off his face, and responded to Brittany, "Oh yeah. I'm alright. So, shall we enter the elite suite?"

"Yeah!" Ashley shouted in excitement, as she can't wait to watch the battle that would be starting soon.


Ash opened the door and entered into the elite suite. Upon entering, he noticed his friends were in the middle of a heated conversation about him and Trevor.

"Guys, clearly Trevor might be the one who finally beats Aaron!" Max explained to the group. "I mean, come on, he has got one thing that Aaron doesn't have."

"A relationship?" May responded with a chuckle.

"A girlfriend?" Dawn asked with a chuckle as well.

"No, not those things!" Max started as he was starting to get annoyed with the two coordinators making fun of Trevor's love life. "Unlike Aaron, Trevor has a freckling legendary Pokémon on his team, which no one has ever defeated it in battle!"

"You're talking about his Mewtwo," Ash spoke up as he managed to get the group's, of his old traveling companions, attention.

They gazed upon the trainer, along with his two Pokémon, who had entered into the box. All of them, except for Serena and Gary, gave a nervous chuckle.

"Oh, hey there, Aaron." Serena spoke up with a smile across her face, "Nice win, back there!"

Ash, underneath his mask, was smiling as he gave Serena a thumb's up to her response. "Yeah, it was all thanks to you and your pep talk."

Serena blushed at his remark, even though that it was all true. If Serena hadn't cheered him up, Ash would have lost to Paul.

"It's was nothing, but I'm glad that my pep talk helped you out, Aaron," Serena responded with a smile.

All of a sudden, Dawn and May squealed in delight, as they rushed over to where Ash was standing. They looked as if they were about to punch him with lots of questions about his interaction with Serena, during the intermission of his battle with Paul.

"So, Aaron, tell us!" Dawn began as Ash give a nervous smile, underneath his mask. "Did you kiss Serena? How it felt?"

"Well, I-"Ash started to speak before he was interrupted by May, who continued asking a barrage of questions.

"Do you really have feelings for Serena? What kind of pep talk did she give you? Was Serena the lady that you described, at the restaurant, a few nights ago?"

Luckily for Ash, he was spared from answering these questions by Gary, who stood up and walked over to where the two girls were standing, in front of the tortured masked trainer.

"Look here, girls," Gary began as Ash gave a sigh of relief. "Didn't you listened to what Trevor told you before? People, who are in a relationship, sometimes like to keep the interactions, between them, a secret. They tend to do this because they don't want to grab unwanted attention or embarrassment from their friends and families. So let's just leave Aaron and Serena alone about this. Okay?"

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