Kanto's Best! Part I

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Trevor ascended, as he heard his name being called by the announcer. The crowd erupted into a loud roar. Trevor could feel the eagerness and adrenaline beginning to flow through his veins. What made this feeling even more intensified was the person, across from him.

Standing on his own platform, was Ritchie, with his trusty Raichu by his side. The look, in Trevor's eyes, shows burning confidence and determination, as he gazes at his opponent.

"I've heard a lot about you, Ritchie." Trevor said to his opponent, "back when I competed in the Indigo Conference! It was ashamed that you lost in the quarterfinals because I wanted to get the chance to battle you."

"Thanks!" Ritchie responded. "The feeling is mutual! Let's put on a good show, for the audience here! Shall we?"

"Sounds good to me!" Trevor yelled out as his eyes made their way to the elite suit and the mother and daughter that was inside.

"Let's put on a good show, for the young ones out there!"

He smiled and gave a thumbs-up to Brittany and Ashley. Who both returned it with one of their own.

Ritchie was puzzled by Trevor's action but shrugged it off. He reached down to his belt and unclipped a Pokéball, before noticing his partner to his side. He chuckled when he saw the sparks beginning to fly from his partner's cheeks.

"Hey, calm down there, Sparky."

The Raichu reluctantly sat back on his hind legs with a grunt, still eyeing the trainer across from him.

"Man, I haven't seen you this amped for a match, since our battle with Ash all those years ago."

He bent down and ruffled the tuft of fur that stuck up from the middle of his head, earning a coo from his partner.

"You'll have your chance, but not right now. Happy, I choose you!" Ritchie threw his first choice out.

When the light from the Pokéball faded, a butterfly Pokémon hovered in front of him. The Pokémon had a purple body with a blue nose, hands, and feet along with big red eyes. From the top of his head, came two antennae, while a pair of large, white wings came from its back. He let out a cry before dancing through the air, waiting for its opponent.

"Good first choice!" Trevor shouted out as he reached down and grabbed his first choice. "As in, good choice to face my first Pokémon! Jolteon, I chose you!"

Trevor threw his Pokéball into the air, revealing his first Pokémon. Out of the Pokéball, out came a quadruped, mammalian Pokémon.

The Eeveelution Pokémon was covered in yellow fur, with a spiky fringe around its tail and a white ruff around its neck. Its ears are large and pointed, and its eyes and small nose are black. It has slender legs and small paws, each with three toes and a pink paw pad. It let out an intimating growl as it positioned itself in a battle ready stance.

"Happy, use Sleep Powder!" Ritchie commanded as he punched the air.

The bug and flying type began to fly across the battlefield. As it flapped its wings, a blue, sparkling dust came out, covering the battlefield.

"Jolteon, use Thunderbolt on the battlefield, and then, follow it up with Wild Charge!" Trevor countered.

Jolteon held its stance on the ground before a yellow aura encased its body. It let a cry, and suddenly, it was enveloped in smoke and dust. The entire battlefield was encased in the explosion.

"Happy, get out of there!" Ritchie cried out.

The butterfly Pokémon appeared, from the dust, covered in soot and coughing. Ritchie let out a sigh of relief, but the relief was short lived. Suddenly, appearing from the cloud, there was Jolteon, encased in a yellow aura around it, and moving at a high speed. It slammed into Happy, sending the bug and flying type, crashing into the stadium wall. Happy let out a cry of pain, as it attempted to fly. However, it was swaying with pain, clearly affected by the electric attack.

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