Beginning of the End!

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Shout out to Todarelli, of DeviantART, for the artwork above!

Ash held a Pokéball in his hand, as his fingers traced the button that would enlarge the device and begin the battle. The whole world seemed to stop and all noise disappeared into a void while leaving nothing, but silence. He took in Giovanni's demeanor. He was tense, muscles shaking, while his eyes exhibited anger and hatred in them.

Ash's breathing intensified, as he faintly heard the words of the ref, telling them to reveal their first choices. He had made his game plan for the battle, but he knew that it would all go down the drain, once the battle had started. This was it! Everything will be finished within the next few hours. He was ready to battle.

This ends now!

Giovanni let out a grunt, as he threw his first choice into the air. The light dimmed to show a Kalos dragon type. The dragon Pokémon stood tall while being predominantly black with a purple belly and purple on its outer wings. It had a red V shape between its eyes that shown bright yellow. White fur could be seen sticking up from his back. In place of ears, there stood two large speaker-like appendages that were teal colored. The dragon and flying type let out a deafening roar at a high pitch. Ash grabbed his ears, as the roar caused his ears to ring with the loud cry. As he turned back, he saw Giovanni smirking at him.

"What's wrong, Aaron?" he asked sadistically. "Can't handle Noivern's loud roar? Well, his bite is worse than his bark."

Ash regained his composure. His finger moved gently over the button, before clicking it and expanding the device in his hand.

"You haven't heard an actual roar, Sakaki!" Ash yelled back. "Now, it's my turn to show my own dragon!"

Ash threw his Pokéball with force. Landing with a thud and roar, out came a predominately navy blue Pokémon. Its slender frame betrayed its strength. On its back, there was a fin, which resembled that of a shark. On its legs and arms, there were two spikes, a piece, that showed white and was mirrored by the claws at the end of its wings and feet. Its chest was red, while its belly was white. On its muzzle, there was a yellow star, while two torpedo-shaped appendages came from either side of its head. It let out a roar, as it swung its tail.

Giovanni snarled. His plan to use Noivern's loud cry, to disrupt his opponent, didn't work. He felt his body shake at the Garchomp that stood before him.


"Wow! Two powerhouses to start! These guys are going for broke!" Max exclaimed.

"Yeah, they're really going for it!" Bonnie added.

"Well, of course, they are," Trevor interjected. "After all, this is the Finals. They both want to leave it all out on the battlefield."

"Yeah, I can remember my first Grand Festival Final Stage," Dawn said. "I left it all out against Zoey. It's obvious that both these guys are doing the same. They want to win no matter what, while leaving it all out on the battlefield." The rest of the group hummed in agreement.

Cynthia looked down to the dragons, as once again, she felt her belt begin to shake. Her own Garchomp was pleading to be let out so that it could battle. She looked back and froze, as she saw Lance. He held a serious expression, one that he had never worn before. He had always looked serious, but there was always a lighter side, in his eyes; however, not today. Sure, the two competitors had frustrated him, but the expression showed her that they were battling for more than just a championship. Her eyes shifted, as she saw a figure fly past him. Serena came to a stop, with both her hands clasped in front of her chest. The worry on her face was evident but was quickly whisked away as she took in a deep breath, before yelling her heart out.

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