Lucario's Last Stand!

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Lucario stared daggers at his opponent. The classy cat Pokémon had regained its footing. It shook its head and body as if it was getting the kinks out of its muscles. Persian opened its mouth and let out a yawn, before eyeing its opponent.

Behind his Pokémon, Giovanni smirked. It may seem like Persian took a lot of damage; but in reality, it is far from finished. She just likes to put on a show.

Across from the Team Rocket boss, Ash narrowed his eyes and his brows furrowed. Something doesn't add up. Either he's bluffing and took a lot of damage or all those attacks Charizard landed did nothing.

Deciding not to risk revealing his knowledge, he reaches out to Lucario with his aura.

"Be careful, Lucario. He isn't as hurt as he seems," he warned.

Lucario visibly flinched at the warning, before widening his stance. "Master, no need to worry. He has taken a lot of damage. I can end this thing in just a few moves." Lucario answered back, with a smirk on his face.

"Damn it, Lucario! Don't get cocky!" Ash fired back, before turning his attention back to his opponent.

"Are we going to begin or are we just going to hold a staring contest, for the rest of the battle?" Giovanni mocked from across the battlefield.

He inwardly smirked, as he saw the realization spread across his opponent's. Had he not been in the middle of a fight, he would have been impressed at how much Ash had actually grown in the last five years.

He's smarter now, but his Pokémon seems a bit overconfident. Giovanni thought, before speaking again.

"Well?" he purred. "I'm waiting."

"Lucario, Extreme Speed!" Ash commanded.

Lucario gave a low growl, before launching himself at his opponent, in a straight line, not bothering with subtlety. Lucario's eyes widen, as he brought both arms up, in front of his chest, as a glowing white tail countered the speedy Pokémon and sent him flying into the stadium wall. He hit the wall and vanished into a cloud of dust.

"Power Gem!" Giovanni pushed his advantage.

A red beam shot out of the gem, on the classy cat Pokémon's forehead. The attack careened into the dust of the stadium wall, causing a larger explosion and sending rumbles into the air. A victorious smiled played across Giovanni's face. as the dust began to finally settle down to reveal nothing.

"What?!" he hollered in rage.

"Dragon Pulse!"

Giovanni's eyes turned upward, as Lucario flickered into appearance, above the normal type, with two spheres of blue energy, with yellow in the middle, one in each paw.

"Dodge it quickly!" he shouted.

The first sphere was easily dodged by the Kanto Pokémon, but the dust, which it kicked up, got into its eyes. The feline began to paw at its eyes, to remove the dust, as the second attack struck its back and pushed it into the ground, causing a cry of pain to be released from its throat.

Lucario landed with a little more force on the ground than his usual soft landings. He assumed another fighting stance and began to pant. He had a few scrapes, across his fur, showing that he hadn't completely dodged the second attack.

Persian managed to lift itself off the ground; and again, shook off the dust that had accumulated on its fur. It hissed at its opponent, before lowering itself while looking ready to pounce.

Ash's eyes held a concerned look in them, as he stared out onto the battlefield. It wasn't his opponent's Pokémon that he was worried about though. What the hell is going on, Lucario?

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