Rocket Warning

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It had been a long day. Ash waking up early, dodging the media frenzy, defeating Iris, and having an emotional conversation with Gary. He was at his limit for today. Even with his five years of training, the day had been an emotional ride that exhausted him.

Ash walked up to his hotel room and drew out his key card. He slid it through the electron card reader, and when the light turned green, he opened the door. He took one step in; and immediately, he realized that he wasn't alone. Pikachu leaped off his shoulder and sparks began to fly out of his cheeks. Lucario, meanwhile, took a battle stance as two spheres began to take shape in his paws.

"What do you want, Giovanni?" Ash said as he flipped on the lights to reveal an older man, with silver hair that ran down to his shoulders, seated on a chair across from the door.

Over the years, Giovanni had taken measures to change his outward appearance, but he still maintained the same look in his eyes. Lying down, beside him, was his faithful Pokémon, Persian, who lazily eyed the trainer and two Pokémon, not showing any worry as it closed its eyes again, as if it were napping.

"How rude, Ash," Giovanni spoke sarcastically. "No 'How have you been?' or 'Good battle out there, today'? I must say, I'm hurt." The man smirked, as he could see the hatred in his adversary's eyes.

"I expected you to win. After all, you have had five years to train," Ash responded coldly as he eyed the man cautiously.

"Come, come, Ash. Please, feel free to come and sit down beside me," Giovanni motioned to a chair that was next to his.

"Excuse me, if I don't rub shoulders with a thief and a murderer," Ash responded.

"I see five years have done nothing to quell your bitterness or resentment towards me," he said jokingly. "I like that," his tone became much more serious, as his entire demeanor changed from playful to business-like in a matter of seconds.

"Again I ask: what do you want?" Ash fired his question at the man sitting across from him.

"Nothing. I just came here to talk with the fool, who ruined my life, before I give him a warning," Giovanni answered.

"And what warning is that?" Ash asked, but he feared he already knew the answer.

"Don't get in my way this time, Ketchum," Giovanni answered with a cold and serious tone in his voice.

"Then, you better just kill me now because I'm not stopping until you are either dead or behind bars!" Ash stated with no fear in his voice.

"You know I can't do that, boy." Giovanni retorted to his young foe.

"Why is that?" asked Ash.

"You, of all people, should know that I no longer have any pull among the PLA. Thanks to your meddling, all my insiders have been arrested and thrown in jail," Giovanni continued. "Along with my accounts being frozen, I can no longer bribe my wait out of situations and all of my top agents are in jail, along with my best scientists. Hell, the only four Team Rocket members that are both not in jail and still alive are yours truly," he gestured to himself with an air of arrogance, "and those three bumbling fools: Jessie, James, and Meowth. So you see, I cannot kill you or kidnap one of your friends because that will cause suspicion and I can't have the tournament canceled. I must win my prize."

"The money you earn here will only grow a Team Rocket that will be brought to justice, same as the last," Ash responded with a smirk on his face.

Giovanni laughed. His laughter took the smirk off of Ash's face and replaced it with a look of horror as chills began to run up and down his spine.

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