Trevor's Secret

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Ash, along with Pikachu and Lucario by his side, and Trevor were walking around Silph Village. The city lights, that had enhanced the city, were slowly fading away as it was getting late. Ash and Trevor wandered around the village, to help clear their thoughts after what had happened at the hotel, between Ash and Serena. Ash's heart was shattered into pieces. He needed someone to comfort him, while Gary tries to comfort Serena. As they walked, Ash's head was looking down, onto the ground, with sorrowful eyes. Pikachu and Lucario stared at their trainer, with worried expressions on their faces. They knew that Ash was feeling upset about Serena's reaction to his isolation from his friends and loved ones.

Without Serena, can Ash win his next match? was what Trevor was thinking as he looked at his friend, with a concerned look in his eyes.

There was silence among the group until Trevor finally spoke up.

"Listen, Ash. I know you must be going through a tough time, right now. But you need to snap out of this! You've got a match tomorrow! You need to focus or you'll lose the battle and your only chance of ever getting your life back!" Trevor stated.

Ash lifted his head up a bit, to make eye contact with Trevor while showing tears in his eyes.

"So what?" Ash replied while causing a change of expression, on Trevor's face, from worried to surprised. "Without Serena, I no longer have got the strength to continue fighting. I mean, let's face it. How could I possibly defeat Giovanni without Serena being there to cheer me on!?"

"Well, Ash," Trevor began to say, as his face started to become a bit more serious. "you revealed yourself to Serena too soon."

Ash turned to his friend and looked at him with confusion in his teary eyes.

"What do you mean?"

Trevor signed before continuing, "You let your emotions control your actions, Ash. You shouldn't have to remove your mask, in front of Serena, while the tournament was still going on! You hadn't face Giovanni yet!

"What are you saying here, Trevor? Ash asked while gazing at Trevor with horror and confusion in his eyes.

"What I'm saying here is that Serena reacted, the way she did, was because you weren't really thinking about her when you were making that decision to fight Giovanni by yourself!" Trevor shouted while causing Ash to take a step back, as he looked on in horror towards Trevor.

"Serena has been hurting for the last five years because of you not being there for her when she needed you the most! All the pain, suffering, and depression that she had to fucking endure, for all those years, they were all because of you! For five years, you've isolated yourself from the people who really care about you! Your 'death' impacted us very deeply! When I thought you were dead, I lost my passion for battling because I wasn't able to save your life that day. With that guilt, my will to battle was almost gone."

When Trevor said that, a thought came across in Ash's mind. If he had to stop battling, then why he is here, right now, competing in this tournament? Ash then realized that Trevor must be fighting for someone, just like him. Ash then finally asked Trevor the question that has been in his mind, ever since the tournament began.

"So tell me, Trevor, after five years of not battling, what or who made you decide to compete in this tournament?"

"Don't change the subject!" Trevor responded fiercely. "This isn't about me! It's about you and the stupid mistake you've made by revealing yourself to Serena too soon!"

"Just tell me! Trevor!" Ash shouted out with an annoyed tone in his voice. "You've kept my secret from the others. You can be sure that I'll keep yours."

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