Conflict in the Air

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Shout out to Gnarlee, of DeviantART, for their artwork above!

Trevor tosses the Pokéball into the air and out came a large, avian Pokémon with dark red feathers on its back and dark blue feathers on its underside. Its tail feathers are red, turning to yellow, and then blue at the tips. Braviary's legs are long and thick with yellow feet that each have a digit facing backward, and three facing forward. Each digit is tipped by a short, thick, black claw. It has a long, thick beak with a blue cere. On either side of the cere, there are Braviary's eyes, which are black with small white pupils. Sprouting from above the eyes, there are three large, white feathers. At the base of the feathers, there's a red, three-pointed design that is spread across all three feathers. On each side of Braviary's face, sprouting out from behind the feathers on its forehead, are an additional three white feathers pointing horizontally and downward. Behind the three feathers, on its head, is a large plume of white feathers, extending most of the way down its neck. The valiant Pokémon squawked a frightening cry, as it's gazed at his opponent.

"A Flying type. Huh?" Ash stated as he reached down for his second Pokémon. "In that case, I'll go with a flying type, as well! Staraptor, I choose you!"

Ash threw his Pokéball into the air to reveal his next Pokémon. When the light, from the Pokéball, dimmed, a grayish-brown, avian Pokémon had appeared, hovering in front of its trainer. It has small, red eyes and a thin, yellow beak with a black tip. There is a circular white patch on its forehead, which meant that it's a male. Larger white markings cover the front of its throat and chest, separated by a black ruff encircling the shoulders. A red-tipped, black crest extends over its head, nearly reaching the tip of its beak. Staraptor is fussy about the shape of this comb. It has large wings, five black-tipped tail feathers, and yellow feet with black talons. The predator Pokémon squawked an intimidating cry, as it eyed its flying opponent with a determined look, in its eyes.

Both flying Pokémon gazed at each other, with nor fear being expressed in their eyes. They were ready to battle, as Ash called the first move.

"Staraptor, use Quick Attack!" Ash yelled out.

Staraptor began to fly towards Braviary, at a fast speed, as a white trail of energy is forming behind it. Braviary didn't seem intimidated by the fast incoming attack.

"Stay still, Braviary!" Trevor commanded, which made Ash surprised by his opponent's move.

Following its trainer's instructions, Braviary didn't attempt to dodge the Quick Attack and allowed Staraptor to tackle it. As the attack made contact, both the valiant Pokémon and its trainer smirked and chuckled. Ash then realized what they are about to do.

"Staraptor, get out of there!"

"Superpower! Go!" Trevor shouted out.

Suddenly, Braviary's body became surrounded in a light blue aura. It strikes a blow onto the predator Pokémon's head, with its wings, which sent the Pokémon crashing down into the ground, while causing dust to cover the battlefield.

"Staraptor! Are you alright?!" Ash shouted out, looking to hear a listen from his flying type.

When the dust settled, it revealed a still conscious predator Pokémon, as it let out an intimidating cry that's echoing throughout the stadium.

"Good, Staraptor! Can you still battle?" Ash asked, as the predator Pokémon turned back to look at its trainer, while giving him a nod, to show that it still wanted to battle. Ash nodded back as they both turned back to their opponent.

"Your Staraptor is gutsy." Trevor compliments his flying foe. "But guts won't help you win this fight, Aaron!"

"We'll see about that!" Ash responded back, as he's about to call out his next attack. "Quick Attack again, then into Close Combat!"

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