A Coordinator's Battle!

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Part 2 of Ash and Bonnie's Battle! Enjoy!

Bonnie looked down and gave another sniffle of her nose before her head shot up. The once scared expression that existed on the girl's face was now replaced with that of determination and fire.

"You're right, Aaron! I let fear get the best of me. I owe you one, for teaching me that lesson!" she said. "But you're going to regret that!"

She tossed her next choice into the air. When the glow from the Pokéball dissipated a psychic and ice type was standing on the field. The Pokémon had purple skin but was covered with long flowing blond hair, a red dress, and a white sleeve.

"This is where I make my comeback!" The young girl exclaimed, with her voice full of hope and confidence.

"We'll see about that, Bonnie." The masked trainer responded.

"Jynx, use Ice Beam! Let's go!" Bonnie commanded. The human shape Pokémon sent a beam of light blue towards its target.

"Protect!" Ash responded. The continental Pokémon surrounded itself with a shield. The beam of ice hit but was merely sent in another direction, not damaging the target.

Bonnie looked at it, with frustration. Torterra seemed to be an unbreakable defense. Her opponent had a response for every single move she made and her current Pokémon wasn't fast enough, in its present state, to make a significant move, not without Grass Knot interfering. Maybe I should start battling like a coordinator, instead of a trainer.

"Jynx, freeze the field with an Ice Beam, and then, take off and use Ice Punch!"

The once dirt battlefield was suddenly encased with ice, as the psychic and ice-type Pokémon began to skate perfectly on the surface. Now, she's starting to get it.

"Torterra, use Stone Edge, and stop her advance!" Ash commanded.

Torterra summoned a circle of rocks around its body, as it began to launch the attack toward its opponent. The human shape Pokémon ducked, dodged, and spun away from the attacks, in a graceful manner, before hitting the continental Pokémon, under the chin, with a glowing white fist. Torterra was sent back a few feet from his original position.

"Alright, Jynx, follow it up with another Ice Beam!" added Bonnie. Before the attack could be fired, the ground began to shake, causing the ice to crack, while forcing Jynx to miss her mark. The psychic and ice type fell to the ground with a thud. It began to rise, but not in time for Ash's next attack.

"Torterra, finish this battle with a Leaf Storm!" the grass and ground type responded with a barrage of razor-sharp leaves, being flung in the direction of its opponent.

Bonnie was calm because she had a plan for this tactic since Jynx was one of her contest Pokémon.

"Jynx, use Psychic to stop that attack!" the purple Pokémon's eyes began to glow blue as it raised its hands in front of it.

The leaves stopped in its tracks, while they too emitted a blue color.

"Nice job!" Bonnie encouraged. "Now, send them back with a Blizzard!"

From her Pokémon's mouth, came a cold wind, with bits of snow mixed in. The attack, combined with the levitating leaves, created an even more destructive and effective combination. The attack hit the continental Pokémon.

Torterra's breathing became heavy as it winced from the attack that just landed. It tried to turn back to its opponent but slipped on the ice. It was shown to be unconscious when it hit the ground.

Ash returned his Pokémon to its Pokéball. He whispered thanks to his fallen comrade, before turning his attention to his opponent. "That is more like it, Bonnie! But what do you say we turn up the heat, a little? Let's do it, Typhlosion!" Ash cried out as he released his next Pokémon.

A Pokémon stood, in front of Ash, with a tan underbelly of fur with navy blue colored fur on its back. On the back of its neck, were red spots, but no flames came from them. The Pokémon let out a yawn and covered its mouth.

"Typhlosion, let's turn up the heat! Show them your fire!"

Suddenly, the relaxed and shy demeanor of the Pokémon changed with the fiery spirit of a true fire type. It let loose a roar, before the flames rushed, from the red spots, on its neck. The heat, caused by the Pokémon, made the ice, on the battlefield, begin to melt.

"Return Jynx, you earned a rest!" Bonnie commented as she recalled the psychic and ice type. "I have just the thing to cool that beast off, Aaron. Time to shine, Milotic!"

From the Pokéball, a long serpent-like water Pokémon appears. Its tail was a mixture of blue, black, and pink, while the rest of the body showed a tan color. Its eyebrows were an elongated pink that stretched partway down its body. The Pokémon was a crowd favorite and gave a majestic cry when it finally appeared.

"I'll take the first move!" Ash called out. "Typhlosion, use Smoke Screen and cover the field!"

Typhlosion opened its mouth, and from that, came a black smoke that filled the battlefield. Both competitors covered their eyes and mouth, as they began to cough, but Ash could tell where his pokémon was, due to the amount of time they practiced this technique.

"Milotic, use Twister! Blow this smoke away!" Bonnie managed to get out through the coughs.

A violent twister made its way, from the tender Pokémon's tail, as it blew away the smoke, but only to get hit by the volcano Pokémon, which had encased itself in a yellow aura. The water type cried out in pain, as it hit the wall of the stadium. Yellow streaks of electricity encircled the Pokémon before it let loose a whimper and fell unconscious.

Bonnie returned the water type, as she heard the referee call out that there would be a fifteen-minute break in between the action so that they could clean the field. Both trainers stood on their platforms, as they descended to the corridors below. Each entered their own locker room, with both having certain thoughts, running through their heads.

How am I going to get past five of his Pokémon?

I'm almost one step closer to Giovanni, then getting back to my old life, and finally, Serena.


Up in the stands, sat a trainer with purple hair. He wore a black and blue jacket, along with a black shirt, underneath, and grey sweatpants. He stood and watched, as the two trainers reappeared on the battlefield.

"I see that you're doing some scouting for tomorrow's battle."

The boy snapped out of his stare, to notice the Sinnoh Champion, Cynthia, sitting next to him. "Yeah. I haven't seen a competitor, like Aaron or Sakaki, in a long time. I want to beat them," he said as he returned his gaze to the field below.

"Always the serious one, Paul. I see." Cynthia responded with a grin on her face.

"I don't see this tournament, as anything more than a stepping stone," he responded flatly. "Another chance for my Pokémon to get stronger, and then, I will finally be able to take you down and claim the title of Champion."

Cynthia's grin slowly turned to a frown as she looked over Paul. "I haven't seen you like this, in a while. Not since your battle at the Lily of the Valley Conference with Ash."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Paul scoffed.

"You will never admit it, but Ash was the best thing that ever happened to you," Cynthia explained. "When he died, I think it took away some of your drive. He was always your benchmark, after your defeat. Now with him gone, you converted back to your old ways. I heard you and Dawn broke up after the incident. I think she saw it too."

"The only thing Ash's death did to me was put me on the right path again," Paul said without emotion. "I realized I couldn't have my benchmark be some lousy trainer like him. My sights needed to be set on the champions, if I want true power."

Cynthia smiled and nodded. She knew how much Paul was still hurting from what happened. She decided to stop interfering and let it go. "Well, I'm sorry to hear you say that, but I hope you do well tomorrow. After all, you were my choice to win this tournament. You and Tobias." With that said, she got up from beside Paul and made her way back to the box, with the rest of the champions.

Paul looked back down at the battlefield. He felt a fire, within him, which he hadn't felt since the Lily of the Valley Conference. I want to beat this guy, so badly!

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