Heartbroken Spirit

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Part 2 of Ash and Paul's Battle! Enjoy!

"Master, are you ok?" Lucario questioned when he saw his friend beginning to visibly shake.

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine, Lucario," Ash muttered. "I just need to figure out how to get through this match, that's all." Ash froze when he reached for his next Pokéball.

His fingers danced across a few of his potential choices, but none seemed to satisfy him. Lucario and Pikachu viewed their trainer, for what seemed minutes, before Ash was finally awoken from his thoughts.

"Use me, Master!" Lucario exclaimed through their aura connection. "Let me battle against Paul!"

Ash mulled the idea through his head, for a moment, before shaking it off. "No. Not now, Lucario. I think I got my next choice."

Lucario grunted in frustration but nodded his head. "As you wish."

Ash whispered a thank you, before revealing his next choice. Now standing before him was one of his most talented pokémon. Heracross housed a lot of potentials and Ash knew it was up for the challenge. The single horn Pokémon was navy blue, with the only other color coming from its white claws and yellow eyes. From the middle of its eyes, came a large horn and split in two at the top. From either side, came two antennas. Its yellow eyes were slanted in, as it showed the determination and raw strength that Ash knew it housed.

Paul smirked once again. "Well, aren't we cocky?!" he yelled across the stadium. "You have already seen my Honchkrow's power, and now, you're giving it an opponent with a type disadvantage? You must really want to lose today, Aaron!"

Paul quickly exchanged his Weavile for the big boss Pokémon that had previously eliminated Ash's Snorlax, two rounds ago.

"If you're so confident, then make the first move!" Ash challenged.

"Gladly. Honchkrow, Sky Attack! Now!" Paul commanded. Again, the dark and flying type ascended into the air, before beginning to glow white. It started its descent at a rapid pace.

"Heracross, use Stone Edge," Ash responded. Heracross nodded, before a circle of rocks, appeared around it. It then sent a volley of rocks at the oncoming attacker.

Honchkrow was able to impressively dodge the first wave, but as it tried to duck one of the rocks, it was clipped in the wing. It momentarily lost its balance and was further struck with the volley of rocks.

Ash felt a surge of confidence overtaking him. It was his turn to set the pace. "Heracross, get in close and use Close Combat!"

Suddenly, the shell on Heracross' back split in two and wings began to produce a buzzing sound. In a blink of the eye, it had closed the gap and struck the stunned crow-like Pokémon, with a barrage of jabs, kicks, and knees.

"Use Dark Pulse to get away!" Paul shouted.

Honchkrow released the attack but didn't obtain a direct hit. Still, the exhausted Pokémon managed to created space, as Heracross was sent back a bit. "Great, now use Wing Attack!"

Its wings began to glow, before again, rushing the bug and fighting type, who hadn't recovered from its skid. Honchkrow hit its opponent on its first pass, causing a grunt. It then quickly turned and made a second pass, followed by an even louder grunt. This process continued until Heracross finally found its footing.

"Dodge, and then, use Pin Missile!"

Heracross jumped to the side and quickly turned. As the big boss Pokémon began its turn, the bug and fighting type sent a volley of glowing arrow-like projectiles. The attacks caught Honchkrow off guard, and soon, the dark and flying type was enveloped in a smoky haze.

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