Amour, Take Flight!

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Shout out to Empire-of-PokeJapan, of DeviantART, for the artwork above.

Author's Update Note (11/26/18) : Hey guys. In case you were wondering what happened to the chapter where Trevor introduces his family to the group, well I deleted it because it was a distraction from the main plot and I wanted to maintain focus on the main plot.

Symbol Note: *---* = Play music selection


"Well, that was very anti-climactic," Max stated as the group exited out of the elite suite and into the atrium.

"That's for sure," Dawn added. "Besides Trevor and Ritchie's battle, along with the first part of Paul's battle with Aaron, the rest of the battles were kind of boring. Tobias and his Darkrai are stronger than ever." She shivered as she visualized the pitch-black Pokémon standing in front of his shadowy trainer.

"Yeah, no joke," Brock interjected. "Something snapped in Sakaki's head too. He crushed his opponent. Their battle, along with Trevor and Aaron's, tomorrow will be very interesting."

"Yeah, maybe," Trevor responded as he was carrying a sleeping Ashley, on his back, with Pichu and Charmander, following behind them. "Although, I do hope that Aaron can handle an opponent, like me."

"Hey, you never know," Max responded. "That's what we said about Aaron when he faced Iris, and now, she's back in Unova, while he's in the Semifinals."


The group was now walking through the Silph Village, along a lighted pathway that leads them to the hotel, which stood above the path and shined in the dark. Whispers could be heard from various conversations, from other small groups, that walked along the path, that's surrounding the friends. They continued to walk along until May noticed something.

She turned and noticed that the group was missing someone. "Hey Dawn, wasn't Serena walking right beside you?"

Dawn looked to her right and noticed that Serena was nowhere to be seen. She yelped as she turned and scanned the crowd, for their missing friend. "Where could she have gone?"

The rest of the group turned and also began to frantically search for their missing friend, but only to hear the laughter of two professors, along with Trevor and Brittany, towards the front of the party.

"Guys, this isn't something to laugh about! Serena could be in serious danger!" Clemont snapped.

"Come on, guys. Where do you think she would be right now?" Gary asked as a grin appeared across his lips.

The group continued to glare at the young professor before Professor Oak decided to step in. His laughter died down. He took another breath, to control himself.

"What Gary is trying to say is that Serena will be just fine. Take a look for yourselves, if you don't believe me." He then turned and pointed to a spot, further down, in front of them.

The group look passed the group of four, in front of them, and smiled at what they noticed. Standing toward the edge of the pathway, was Serena, with her arms behind her back. She was swaying, back and forth, on her feet. From their angle, they could barely show a small blush on her face. Standing across from her was Aaron, dressed in his normal attire. He had a hand in his pocket, while the other one, was waving to and fro, as he talked. On his shoulder, Pikachu could be seen with a smile, while Lucario was leaning on a lamppost, that was a little behind his trainer. The Aura Pokémon was also seen smiling, as he took in the view of the couple before him.

The group made their way to the trainer and performer. The pair didn't notice the group approaching them, as they continued talking until finally, Dawn let out a soft cough. Both Ash and Serena jumped a little, before turning to the group.

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