First Defeat

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Giovanni snarled, as he enlarged his next choice. He had been outdone. His strategy, to stall until a mistake was made, had backfired. He looked to Ash, who was smiling under his mask. The boy had better not get used to being in the lead because it's my turn.

Giovanni quietly threw his Pokéball into the air to reveal a water and fighting type. The Pokémon stood tall and was primarily blue with a round body. It's arms and legs were blue, along with its feet. Its arms were white and resembled boxing gloves, while a big, white circle was on its stomach. In the middle of the circle, there was a continuously growing swirl that moved counterclockwise. The Pokémon let out a grunt, before lifting his hands into a boxer's stance.

Ash took a look at his ground and dragon type, who had started the match for him. Garchomp's breathing had become labored. Ash could tell that he was struggling and needs a rest. Ash raised his Pokéball and Garchomp disappeared in a red beam.

Ash thanked his loyal Pokémon, as he clipped the device back to its original spot, before enlarging a second. Ash smiled at the Pokéball, before looking up at his opponent.

"Sceptile, I choose you!" Ash shouted as he threw the device.

When the light from the device faded, there stood Sceptile. He gave a smirk, before opening his mouth and inserting a twig. He saw his opponent and matched its intensity.

"Leaf Blade, Sceptile!" Ash commanded.

Sceptile's two leaves on his arm began to glow green, before enlarging. He launched himself, at incredible speed, towards his opponent. He pulled an arm back, as he prepared to throw his arm forward. He threw the attack forward but was stopped in mid-swing. Ash and Sceptile stood shocked, as Poliwrath held the glowing appendage with one arm.

"Ice Punch," Giovanni smirked, as he heard the cry of pain come from the forest Pokémon.

Sceptile skidded back, before being hit again; this time, under the chin. He flew up into the air, before landing on his back. He quickly rolled to the side, to avoid yet another punch. He pushed himself off the ground and jumped back, to create space between him and his opponent. Ash's mind began to work, at a mile per minute, while trying to figure out a strategy.

"Ice Beam!" Giovanni ordered as he sensed the slight hesitation in Ash's commands.

"Dodge it, then follow it up with Bullet Seed!" Ash countered.

Sceptile jumped and ran to the side of the incoming light blue beam. The beam followed the forest Pokémon. Sceptile opened its mouth, releasing small, glowing seeds. The glowing seeds hit the water and fighting type, but the weak grass attack seemed to have little effect.

"Jump, then use Slam!" Ash began to press on further.

Sceptile gathered himself, before leaping into the air, just as the beam of ice came to his position. He did a graceful front flip, before bringing his large tail down, hoping to strike his opponent's head. Again, the Kanto Pokémon caught the incoming attack.

Giovanni smirked. "Seismic Toss."

Poliwrath jumped into the air with Sceptile's tail, still within his hands. Once it got to the apex of its jump, it brought its hands above its head and threw the Hoenn starter to the ground. Sceptile rapidly spun, before striking the ground with powerful force.

Ash quickly retrieved Sceptile's Pokéball from his belt, as he heard the next command.

"Ice Punch, Poliwrath," Giovanni commanded calmly. Poliwrath plummeted to the ground with a glowing fist, prepared to finish his opponent. He threw his fist forward, just as his opponent disappeared beneath him. Giovanni looked to Ash and snarled, as he saw the trainer return the device to his belt.

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