Nightmare and Dreams

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Shout out to AyameChi, of DeviantART, for the artwork above.

"Come on, Serena! We don't have a lot of time!" Ash stated as he grabbed Serena's hand and ran down a corridor.

She looked back and could see the fire beginning to engulf the room that they were just in. Screams could be heard throughout the building, as the structure was beginning to collapse. They turned a corner but were cut off by a section, of the burning roof, that had already collapsed. They continue down the corridor until they came to a flight of stairs.

Serena hesitated as she noticed parts, of the staircase, crumbling in front of them.

"Serena, we have to hurry!"

She looked up and saw Ash's eyes. She held her breath, for a moment, before collecting herself. He led her down the stairs, where they reached the ground floor.

"The lobby should be this way. If we're lucky, the others have already left with Mewtwo freed."Ash said to her.

They continued to run before an explosion, to their right, caused them to fly into the adjacent wall. Ash was the closest one to the wall, protecting Serena from banging into it with full force. She could feel his warm embrace, as they stayed on the ground for a second. His hands moved to her waist, as she felt him lifting her up into a standing position.

"Serena, look at me. Are you ok?" she looked to her protector as she saw the worried look in his eyes.

She was still in shock from the explosion but nodded her head before he again grabbed her hand and continued their journey through the collapsing building.

They turned another corner and came to a glass door. Ash tried to push the glass door open but to no avail.

"Pikachu, use Iron Tail on the door!" he said turning to the electric mouse Pokémon, who had been following them the entire time.

Pikachu's tail began to glow, and with one mighty swing, it shattered the glass door. They ran through the door and found themselves back in the lobby of the crumbling laboratory.

"Ash! Serena! Over here!" they turned and saw Trevor motioning them to an exit that was across the lobby. "Quickly, we don't have much time! Everyone else is out of the building, we have to go now!"

Without wasting a moment, the trio ran across the lobby and to the door. They ran through the door and out into the darkness, of the night, with the only illumination coming from the burning building behind them.

"I got the files off of Giovanni's computer, Trevor," Ash said as he pulled a flash drive from his pocket and handed it to his friend. "You said everyone else got out safely. Does that include Mewtwo?"

"No Ash, we couldn't get through the electric shield Giovanni had put up before the explosions started taking place," Trevor was about to continue; when suddenly, a shriek of pain came thundering out of the burning building.

"That must be Mewtwo!" Ash shouted as he turned to head back in.

Before he could enter the building, he felt arms tighten around his stomach.

"Please Ash, don't go back in there! I beg you!" it was Serena. Ash could feel the tears cascading down the performer's face as she buried her head into his back.

Ash turned around in her arms and lifted her chin, so he could see her eyes. "Serena," he began, "I love you, and I promise that I'll always protect you. I will return."

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