Chapter 11

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"Are you fit to go?" Niall turned his head quickly in the direction of the new voice, the accent a bit different from the ones he was used to hearing. He quickly relaxed upon noticing that it was just Calum Hood, his and Troye's new partner. The new presence was more than welcoming. 

"I'm fine. Thanks," The blonde replied curtly, accepting the water bottle the Australian lad was passing him, his eyebrows furrowed in concern before he shrugged casually and walked over to where Luke Hemmings was standing. Niall found the name weird but he knew they were both good lads, never had they ever troubled the blonde in the past and never had he ever seen them acting like douches towards other people. Just that was enough to assure him that they were nice guys. And if the heart eyes Troye was making towards where Calum and Luke stood, Niall knew that he wasn't the only one who thought they were nice. 

He turned around once more to stare in the direction of where his best mates were standing, frowning when he mentally corrected himself, scolding himself for even referring to them as his friends. They didn't deserve it. Not after hurting him like this. Niall wasn't stupid, he wasn't dumb, he knew that what he had with the boys could not be defined under the word friendship. It was so much more than that but none of them ever stopped to analyse it and explain it. They just went with the flow. 

Maybe he was over thinking into all of this. What if Zayn, Harry, Liam and Louis were just hanging out with those girls? Casually, nothing more than just close friends that have met after a really long time. But then again, this was a school trip and everybody here was a part of London High School. Even these girls. It was a shame that Niall never interacted much with people other than the four incredibly handsome boys. He was certain that if he had more friends then taking his attention away from these four idiots would be fucking easy.

"Are you done torturing yourself because we need to go. They gave us Spot A to go to," The small brunette gave his new found friend a sad smile. Troye himself was really confused but he didn't dare speak up on anything. This was Niall's problem and yes, he would be there to hold him and advice him through it but he wasn't going to interfere into the matter. That might just make problem worse and Troye wanted to avoid trouble as much as he could. 

"Whatever." Niall huffed, adjusting the flower crown on his head before walking two steps behind Calum and Luke's tall frame. He often wondered why he was so short. 5'7 should be considered as average but lately it seemed like everyone was towering over him. 

"You know, Calum and Luke are equally, if not more, hotter than your exes." The blonde lifted his eyebrow in amusement, turning to glance at Luke before adjusting his camera when they walked further into the deep forests. It was a beautiful scenery, Niall thought, eyeing the birds flowing above in the sky and how the sun just caste a perfect golden glow all around. He took a deep breath, opening his arms wide as a smile graced on his lips, unaware of certain people watching him smile to himself. 

"Troye, can you feel it?" He asked softly, not wanting to break this calm moment that had surrounded them all once they had reached their spot. Niall didn't open his eyes to know that Calum and Luke, the two Australian hotties, had stopped as well, mimicking his actions and laughing to themselves later. It was the feeling of freedom which Niall absolutely loved. 

"If you're talking about me feeling a really hot billionaire staring at you, then hell yeah," Troye whistled, eyes raking the new visitor's body up and down, as if trying to assess whether he was worth the time or not. He seemed content with the answer, giving Niall a little nudge to get the blonde to finally open his eyes. His love for nature was all sorts of crazy. 

"He's not even looking this way. Let's start with the bird watching task. We need to get an excellent grade." Niall ran quickly over to where Luke was already sitting behind the bushes, eyes trained on the lovely blue bird in front of them, sitting on the tree, her gaze focused towards the bark. Niall bit back a smile, taking his camera in his hands and focusing the lens towards where the beautiful bird was sat. He quickly snapped a picture, making sure that all of his team mates were focused on the task at hand. 

Niall Defence Squad |Narry/Ziall/Nouis/Niam| Where stories live. Discover now