Chapter 31

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"What do you mean nobody was there with me? There were four of us in the car. Harry was severely shot, he was around the area though. Zayn shot another guy. There were a lot of dead bodies. How can you say nobody was there?" Niall yelled out, coughing in the end. He couldn't believe this woman standing in front of him. She was giving him this pitiful look that just made his blood boil. He watched as one of the nurses got him a glass of water with some medicine with it. 

"This will help calm you down. Too much stress is not good for you. I suggest that you get some proper rest and then we'll talk about everything, alright?" The doctor's voice was soft but it wasn't musical anymore. He wanted to see his boys, he wanted Louis to nag at this bitch for telling him lies, he wanted Liam to cuddle him up, he wanted Zayn to sing softly to him and more than that, he wanted Harry to be here and be his loving self. His mind flashed back to Harry, his sweet Hazza, he had a bullet wound and this godforsaken woman was telling him that there was nobody else there at the time of the crash. 

"I just want to know where they are. Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson and  Liam Payne. Please," he begged, his eyes filling with tears. The brunette turned his attention towards his mother and his father, hoping they would help him somehow. One of them must have been informed about the other people that were brought into the hospital along with their son. 

"Who is  he talking about, doctor?" Maura asked slowly, running a hand over Niall's hair in an attempt to calm him down. More than looking concerned, she looked shocked. As if she didn't know what was happening to her son and why he was asking such absurd questions. 

"The people he has mentioned, I know nothing about them. You're all well aware that the ambulance only brought him to the hospital at the time of the accident. The other car driver managed to get off with minor injuries, merely a scratch and his name was not among those that Niall has mentioned.  I'm sorry to inform this to you, but he might be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. We'll probably have to run some tests and afterwards, I'll recommend you a good therapist for him." 

"Thank you, doctor," Maura spoke softly, nodding her head politely in the direction where Nicole was standing. The younger female in a white coat smiled their way before signalling one of the nurses to fetch Niall his lunch and instructing her about the timings of the test. All the time, the brunette kept his tongue pressed firmly between his teeth. PTSD? He wasn't suffering from anything of the sort. He knew what had happened. 

"The other driver did not get away with a minor scratch. He got away with a bullet between his forehead," Niall spoke firmly, preventing his tears from falling. Was this all happening because of Justin? Had he used his powers to get the other lads out of the car before the authorities could find them? But how would he have managed to do that? The fall from the bridge was a heavy one. And there were people around. At least below the bridge, they were. Justin would not have done this. He turned his attention towards his parents, hate seeping from his eyes. 

"Are you doing this because Justin told you to? You're being forced to lie to me, aren't you?  This is what he wants right? For me to be completely unaware of where they are. Please don't do this dad, you betrayed me once, don't do it again," Niall pleaded, eyeing his dad with such pain that was enough to make any man with a heart shudder. 

"Son, what are you talking about? Who is Justin and why would I ever even betray you?" Bobby spoke, quite terrified of the questions and accusations his son was throwing his way. 

"We had this conversation dad. You know who he is and you know exactly what you did. You sold me off to him, a gangster for your petty reasons!" 

"I did nothing of the sort Niall.  And we never had such an absurd conversation. The doctor is right, you need to get some rest. This accident, it has taken a toll on you. You're imaging really weird things. What kind of a father will I be if I give my son up like that?" Bobby smiled a little at that, in the hopes of trying to reassure his son that nothing of what he was yelling and screaming was real. He was worried though. They had just gotten Niall back and he was getting a feeling that they had already lost him somehow. 

"Why are you all lying to me?" The brunette cried,  bringing one of his arms forward, the one which wasn't covered in tubes, to cover his eyes up. "Why?" 

"We're not lying, love. Nothing of the sort happened. It's all in your head. You're suffering from PTSD, baby but don't worry, everything is going to be okay. I'm here," Maura cooed, pressing her lips against her son's forehead before wiping her tear-stained cheeks. "Now get some rest while those nurses get your lunch. We're all just going down to the cafeteria to eat something. We're so happy you're back with us once again. When you get out of here, I'm driving you to Nandos." 

The brunette simply nodded. Too tired to argue with anyone. He watched as his parents and his brother, who had been quietly watching the entire scene unfold with worried eyes, get out of the room. Once they were finally gone, he allowed himself a chance to sigh out loudly in frustration.  He wanted to yell at them, scream for answers which he was sure he wasn't going to get. What exactly had happened in the time when he was under? Had Justin managed to do something terrible to his family? Maybe he even owned this hospital and had the doctor under his influence. He would not put anything past that bastard. Struggling to keep his anger hidden, Niall reached towards the table that had been placed on his bedside. He fondled with things a little, trying to find the TV remote but all he could get was a newspaper, a goddamn newspaper which dated back to a month. 

"Dad must have forgotten it here," he spoke to himself, remembering all the times when his father would have his nose buried deep in the newspapers. At times he was surprised that these things were still being published and bought, but people like his father, who preferred the old school ways instead of the internet reminded him that things like the newspaper did exist. 

Sighing to himself, since he had nothing else to do anyway, he started reading the newspaper. This would at least help him catch up a little with all that had happened during the times when he was gone. He was about to turn to the fifth page when a short news column at the bottom of the paper caught his eye. 

'Accident on the Walkshore bridge: two injured, one critical.' 

Niall gasped, his heartbeat accelerating and the monitor was proof enough to let him know of that. He continued to read on. 

'A young man was found inside a black SUV which had met with an accident on April 14th, 2017. The car bared severe damage along with the driver after facing a 500 feet drop from the bridge.  Locals who bore witness to the accident believe that a drunk driver in a van had managed to go off the road and collide with the black SUV, managing to tipp it off the bridge with enough force to leave the driver with broken limbs. The young man inside the black SUV is named Niall Horan, age 17 and the son of Bobby and Maura Horan...........No further reports of injuries were found. The streets were empty during the time of the accident due to a local parade which was taking place at the other end of the town. The parade was supposed to reach the accident site at 6:00 pm and the accident occured at 3:14 pm. The other driver, responsible for causing the accident due to his drunken state, managed to get away with minor injuries. Whether The Horan's will press charges or not, is still not known.'

"No further reports of injuries?" Niall spoke out loud, reading the lines mentioned in the newspaper. He frowned not understanding what was even happening.  His dad had most probably gotten a hold of this newspaper the very next day of the accident. He must have been furious with the drunkard and he must have faught long and hard to press charges. Niall sniffed, biting his lips to prevent himself from breaking down in tears. 

Maybe he was going crazy. Maybe it really was PTSD. 

What if there were no Louis, Harry,  Liam and Zayn?







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