Chapter 25

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Niall was busy stuffing every thing he could find within reach in his duffel bag. A part of him felt incredibly calm and even happy about taking such a decision to runaway with the people he loved but another part of him - the more rational aspect of his mind - was in a turmoil. He was literally going to have to give up everything he had ever know - the familiar streets, the faces of his classmates and most of all, his family. Was he even prepared to make such a sacrifice in the name of love? Niall sighed. 

"You seem upset." The sudden intrusion of the high pitched voice in the silence of the room caught the blonde's attention, making him jolt in surprise. He quickly turned around, blushing when he noticed the loving smile playing on Louis's lips. Oh how he had missed this. Unconsciously, he reached a hand out causing Louis to step closer to him so that he was within touching limits. Niall's gentle feminine hands traced the outline of the feathery haired brunette's high cheekbones. "Missed me?" Louis smirked, trapping Niall's hands in his own. He frowned when he noticed that even though the blonde hair softer hands, they were still larger compared to his own. 

"I wanted to punch your face for putting me through so much." Niall admitted, using his free hand to zip close the bag. He smiled at his room, an unknown pain filling his heart. Maybe somewhere, sometime in the future, he might regret his decision, he might end up being one of those people who blame their childishness or bad decision making power for things but right now, he really wanted to give their unique love a chance. Niall crossed his fingers behind his back, praying it would all work out. 

"You can do that later baby. We just have five minutes. Do you want to leave something for your parents? A note or a letter?" Louis asked, cocking his head to the side. He squeezed Niall's hand tightly in his own, smiling sadly at the blonde before bringing him closer by the waist. "I promise when everything is sorted, we'll come back here and you can live with your parents again if you like." 

"Let's get out of here first before we start planning things out for the future." Niall scoffed, reaching for his study desk. He grabbed a pen and paper, trying to prevent himself from writing something too long and giving and kept the words simple and sweet, telling his parents that he hadn't completely forgiven them but in time he would and that he was doing well and he was safe. He knew that his mother was going to have a fright when she would get to know that he had somehow managed to escape Justin. For the life of him, Niall could not figure out why his parents had kept him in the dark. This was something he had full rights to know about considering it was eventually going to lead him into getting kidnapped. Niall sighed, shaking his head and trying to be positive. They were going to get out unharmed, all of them. He was sure. At least for now. 

"We have to go. They're close," Louis whispered softly, bringing the blonde's bag over his shoulder. He quickly signaled to Zayn, telling him to start the car up as he helped Niall to get down the wall, jumping over it slightly before joining him up, the two boys jogged up to the back seat, quickly getting inside and within a few seconds, they were off. 

"We have to make another short stop - we'll be changing the cars there just to avoid any hassle." Zayn instructed, making all the boys nod in return. He stepped on the gas, causing them to lurch backward as the speed increased. It thrilled Niall to no end, the realization that he was doing this but another part of him was quite sad at the prospect of leaving his family behind. Niall sighed once again, turning his attention outside the window. He had been made to sit between Liam and Louis, the two men already had their guns out for extra safety in case Justin's guys spotted them early and went right to the attack. "What's the distance between them and us?" Zayn asked, glancing briefly at Harry before turning his attention back towards the road as he zoomed through the minute traffic, turning the car into a lonely street. He quickly parked it there, safely so as not to raise any eyebrows.

Niall Defence Squad |Narry/Ziall/Nouis/Niam| Where stories live. Discover now