|Chapter Fourteen|

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-Berlin, Germany-

Tris cursed. She cursed to herself—in her head, of course—all the way to the Berlin Wall. She hoped Tobias thought she wouldn't go there.

She was beyond angry. Being brave was one of the things she valued most. And she thought she was brave. She knew there was a fine line between bravery and recklessness. She thought that she was taking a risk and being brave earlier when she'd kissed Tobias. Twice. But no, that was not the case. Rather than brave, kissing Tobias was reckless. She thought she'd get in KCL and that that would solve all of their problems. She didn't realized that they would be the problem. "They" meaning them as a couple. "They" meaning Tobias. "They" meaning Tris. "They" meaning their compatibility.

I've known him for, like, less than a week, she reminded herself. She couldn't believe she'd been so stupid as to kiss this man four days within knowing him, which was on the train to Prague. Then that night on the train to Berlin it would turn into six days.

Tris arrived at the most visited spot of the wall and stood, just staring at the beautiful graffiti full of lines, wisps, swirls, and strokes. Just looking at it made her feel high.

Even though it was nighttime, she could still see pretty well because the city lit up the night.

She spotted someone stumbling out a nearby bar, and then she gaped. She recognized the big backpack, new cargo pants, and new tropical flowered shirt they'd gotten in Venice.

It was Uriah.

"Uriah! You son of a bitch!" She ran toward him, but he didn't move. Just said:

"Ah, Tris. Hello." Definitely drunk.

"Give me back my wallet."

Uriah smiled. "All of it's in there. Here's Four's."

Tris took them and put them in her drawstring bag. "Why are giving these back so easily?"

He shrugged. "These guilty feet have got no rhythm when I dance."

"Well...Have a good life." Tris began to awkwardly walk away from him. She couldn't believe he was still in Berlin. That was where his train was going when the went their different ways in Venice, though. She wanted to get away from Uriah as soon as possible. There was no way she was going to let anyone steal her things ever again.

Tris still walked along the famous Wall of Berlin, running her hand across the cold concrete. Back in the 60's if she'd touched this, she would've been shot on point. She couldn't think of anything else other than the eighty people that died trying to escape to a better life. Many families had been separated by the wall. Because it was put up overnight, men and women at work had been separated from their families, also.

Tris couldn't fathom what it would've been like. She could've been standing on the ground where lives were taken.

She was standing on the ground where lives were taken.

Interrupting her thoughts was an annoyingly familiar voice, yelling, "Tris!"

She groaned and turned around, only for the fact that she had his wallet. "Can I help you, Four?" she asked.

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