|Chapter Seventeen|

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-Amsterdam, Netherlands-

They were sitting on some tree stumps away from the other, but still near the fire. She walked back from the fire with two s'mores in her hands.

"Hey," she said as she sat down next to him. "I got you one."

"Thanks." He took it from her and munched on a bite.

Tris took the two graham crackers apart and wiped some of the marshmallow on his face. She grinned.

"Just so you know," he said calmly, "that is extremely hot."

"Oh my god," she laughed guiltily. "I'm so sorry." She began to wipe it from his face. She discarded it into the grass.

Britt, Dutch girl and owner of the bungee business, walked over to them and handed Tris a tent.

"Hi, Four."

"Britt," he said, smiling over at her.

"So..." Britt nodded over towards her tent and looked back at Tobias.

"So, no."

She shrugged, sipped her beer, and walked away.

"For a guy who claims to be eternally alone," Tris said, "you sure do get a lot of offers."

Tobias sighed and looked at her. "And rejections."

Tris sighed too. She felt horrible because she knew it was directed toward her.

"You know what?" he said. "Maybe I will go talk to Britt." He stood and began walking there.

"No," Tris quickly said, stopping him by grabbing his arms. "Don't. You can't seriously be attracted to her."

"I don't know," he said, smiling. "I could see myself in the mountains living with little Hans and Gunter," he chuckled and started walking away more.

"Tobias, don't," she said.

"Why not?" He crossed his arms.

"'Cause... I don't trust her."

Tobias rolled his eyes walked one step more.

"Because I don't think she's remotely good enough for you either."

"Tris," he said, turning around. "Can ever just say what you really feel?" he asked exasperatedly.

She looked away toward the glistening river with moonlight bouncing off of it.

"That's what I thought," he said quietly, then walked away some more.

"Because I'm jealous as fucking hell," she said to him. "Because I'd hate to see you with Britt—I'd hate to see you with any other woman because not only did I adore kissing you in Venice, but in Prague too. You drive me crazy, but in a good way. And I am just so un-bloody-hinged just being near you," she finished.

Tobias slowly leaned toward her, and Tris put a hand on his cheek, whispering, "I can't kiss you."

He closed his eyes, frustrated. "Of course you can't."

"I would, but you'd be expecting it. So I can't," she said as she grinned.

"Oh, come on," he groaned.

"Sorry," she said. They were still close to each other's faces. "It'll come soon enough," she said simply.

"Time is going to go by so slow."

"It doesn't matter how fast you go, just as long as you don't stop." Tris pulled back and walked toward their stumps. She quickly set up the tent with Tobias's help after he snapped out of his daze.

They ate just one more s'more and went to sleep.

Tris woke up with her face nuzzled into Tobias's neck. She didn't recoil out disgust or fear, but just sighed happily and nuzzled it farther.

He woke up about fifteen minutes later, and Tris was still awake. When Tris was sure he was awake, she rolled over and smiled at him.



"I wish I could kiss you," Tris said, smiling.

"You can," he said, chuckling. "I mean, I'm totally not expecting any kiss right now. Like, I'd be so surprised if you kissed me. Seriously."

Tris grinned and got up. Since she was still in her dress, she said, "Hey, I'm changing. Turn around."

So he did, like any respectful man would, without protest.

She couldn't stand all the way up because the tent was low, so she changed her into her red, long-sleeved shirt sitting down. She easily put on her black shorts then said, "Okay. I'm good." Then she started to put her hair into pigtails. She'd suddenly been doing that a lot more often since Tobias had mentioned it on the train to Berlin.

She sat down and gathered her things into her drawstring bag. "We should get going, probably. I want to get to London ASAP. I'm crazy excited."

He smiled and sat up, shirtless. "It's gorgeous. You'll love it." He put on his shirt and gathered his things. "All ready?"

Tris nodded.

"It's nine o'clock and it takes about nine hours to get there. If it's alright with you, we can just stay at my mum's house tonight."

They stepped out of the tent. "Taking me to meet your mom? That's a pretty big step in our relationship," she teased, nudging him.

"We're in a relationship?" he asked as he smirked.

"Anywayyyy," she said, changing the subject, "what've you got planned for me in London?"

"Well, first—"

"Aw, are you guys leaving?" someone shouted.

They turned to see Uriah and Britt. Britt was the one that had shouted.

"Yeah," Tris said. "We've gotta catch a train to London. Thanks for everything."

"No problem. Have a good one," she said.

"Group hug?" Uriah asked.

"No way," Tris and Tobias said at the same time.

When they arrived at train station, they bought the tickets that left for 10 A.M.

"There's this thing called Eurostar," Tobias said. "It's an underwater tunnel from France that crosses the English channel to London. It's amazing. First we have to go south, leave the Netherlands, go through Belgium, then get to the point where it begins to get underwater, which is in France. You'll love it."

Tris smiled.

Next thing they knew, they were boarding the train.

"All passengers to London, England, we are leaving Amsterdam, Netherlands, at 10:02 A.M. ETA to London: 7:14 P.M."

• • • •

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