|Chapter Twenty-One|

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-London, England-

Her face lit up. "I'm so sorry. You are Beatrice Prior? Oh my, haven't you received your acceptance letter?"

Tris's eyes widened. "You mean... I'm accepted?"

"Why, yes! Your grades are astounding and your passion for photography is breathtaking, along with your actual photos. I am extremely excited for you. You are a very promising student. And I promise you I am not saying any of this because you are the First Daughter of United States. You have earned every compliment I have given you."

"Thank you," she said, laughing. "Thank you so much."

"No. Thank you. I am thrilled to have you as a student here."

Tris grinned. "Would you mind maybe printing out another acceptance letter? I'll need to tell my parents about this."

"Of course. Not a problem," she said. She logged onto her computer, and then Tris heard the printer beginning to work. Once the paper was out, she retrieved an envelope. First she signed the paper, then wrote something on the envelope. She handed Tris the envelope and smiled.

"All set," Ms. Brooks said.

"Thank you. Thank you so, so much for this opportunity. I am so grateful."

"My pleasure."

Tris stuck her hand out once more, shook her hand, and then turned out the door, grinning.

When Tris got outside, she ran up to Tobias, who was leaning again a tree, off-guard, and captured him with a hug.

"I got accepted!"

"Oh my god," he said, chuckling. "I'm so happy for you."

She pulled back and kissed him out of adrenaline. She pulled back slightly and looked him in the eye. And then she kissed him again, but this time slowly. She stood on her tiptoes, pressing a little bit more, and then pulled back.

"I can't believe I got in," she chuckled. She stepped back all the way and put her face in her hands. But then her smile faded. "But she said she mailed the letter already... which means my parents received the letter and didn't tell me about it. Oh my god," she whispered. "I can't believe they did that."

"You don't know they did. It could've gotten lost or something."

Tris let out a breath. "You're right. I shouldn't jump to conclusions. Oh!" She just remembered about Caleb. "Can I borrow your phone?"

"Of course." He got it out, unlocked his phone, and when to the dial-pad.

She dialed his number, and he picked up after two rings.



"Tris, is that you? Where've you been?"

"Woah, relax. I'm fine. Don't let Mom and Dad know I talked to you, okay? Promise."

"Promise," he sighed.

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