|Chapter Twenty-Six|

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-Dublin, Ireland-

They boarded the ferry in no time at all. They found their designated seats, and then Fernando was requested by the captain, who happened to be his father, leaving Four and Tris alone together.

Tris didn't know what to make of the situation, so she kind of just stared out into the sea. She sat in the dining room/café with a perfect view. The Irish Sea was beautiful, in her opinion. Just gorgeous. Possibly more beautiful than the view from the London Eye, the La Seine River, and maybe even the Paris lights. It felt like it was just her and the ocean. The rippling waves softly making their way to her ears. The glistening light from the sun bouncing off of the sea making its way to her eyes. And the vast blue that Tris was pretty sure was unknown to mankind until now. The sun was setting, making the moment even more picture perfect.

And then there's Tobias. Tris spotted him doing the same thing she was; gazing at one of the most beautiful things he'd ever seen.

Except he was looking at her. And yet, still, it was one of the most beautiful things he'd laid eyes on.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Tris asked him as she turned back to the view.

"Yeah," he breathed. "It is."

There was a short silence, but Tobias soon asked:

"Are we going to talk about this?"

"I'd rather we didn't," she responded.

"Well you don't have to talk then. I will." He continued, "I'm sorry. I know that I should've let you know right when we boarded that train to Milan. I was so, so, so out of place. Especially when... things... happened between us. And—this is going to sound extremely selfish—I don't regret it. If I had to choose between getting my heart by you and letting you board that Milan train alone, I'd always pick you. Even if it means getting my heart broken over and over again, or your heart broken over and over again, I will always choose you. Over and over and over I will always fall for you, and I will always get my heart broken by you. As long as I get to see you and your beautiful self, I will always choose the broken heart. I'd rather feel that than nothing at all. I've tried telling myself everything to get away from you. That you aren't worth it, that nothing could happen between us, and, worst of all, that you simply didn't love me back. The thing is, though, is that they're all lies. You are worth it, something could happen between us, and, well, about the whole loving me back thing... I'm not sure that you do. And I understand why. But I need you to know that I lo—"

"Stop," she interrupted. Her voice was weak, along with her muscles. She had tears in her eyes and was on thee verge of crying. She put her fingertips on her forehead and breathed out. "You have to stop this, Four. You can't just go around telling me you love me and then know we'll never see each other again!"

"I know, and I'm—"

"Don't tell me you're sorry. Because you're not. I know you wanted to tell me and all, but did you ever think about what kind of toll it'd take on me if I lost you? Do you even have any idea? I'd be totally lost, Four. Totally lost. I honestly don't think you understand. I don't care that you're my bodyguard—"

"Former. Former bodyguard. I quit."

She continued saying, "I don't care that you're my former bodyguard, we could've worked something out. It's the fact that you withheld that information from me, and now I can't trust you, Four. Sure, I may've overreacted when I found out, but you could've at least told me somewhere that wasn't in public and I wouldn't lose my shit."

"Would you please stop that?"

"What? What've I done wrong now, Four?"

"Calling me Four. My name is Tobias."

"Fine. Whatever. Fine. Tobias."

"Thank you."

After minutes of silence passed, she said, "Just so you know, I do."

"What? You "do" what?"

"Love you. Back. I love you back. Not that it means anything because I won't ever see you again," she mock laughed. The tears were about to spill over again.

Tobias stood up and opened his arms. "C'mere."

She only moved her head up to see him, but didn't move another muscle.

"Babe. C'mere. Please? You aren't the only one that needs a hug. I'm doing this for me too."

She sniffled a little, stood up, and obliged to his arms.

"I'm going to miss this," she mumbled. "I'm really going to miss this."

"You're still going to KCL, correct?"

"Yeah, but... it's not like I'll actually have time for an actual social life in college."

"You're right," he said softly. "But I have a proposition for you."

She pulled from the hug and smiled slightly. "What might that be?"

"That in eight years, we meet right where we met in Paris. When you bumped into me with your insane rainbow hair and insane beauty. At exactly eight o'clock at night. So, on July 14th, 2024, eight o'clock P.M., we meet there. And if we're married, great for us. If not... We'll see what happens from there."

She grinned. "There's only one problem."

"What's that?"

"Eight years is much too long."


"Four and you've got yourself a deal."

"Done. So, July 14th, 2020, eight P.M., we meet again," he confirmed.

"Done," she said back. "But one thing. Right here, right now, will be our last kiss. Promise you won't try anything again. It's not worth the pain."

• • • •

Merry Christmas everyone!

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