Chapter five: Schools chef

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"Detention boys." Troy said as we were in the kitchen.

"Yay! Let's smash some plates!" Kelvin giggled. Troy whacked his head.

"Break it, it'll come in your report." Troy explained, Kelvin mimicked him moving his mouth as Troy was talking. Lucky his back was turned. "Well lucky for you two, I can't babysit yo-"

"Wait, you lied to me! You said that I wasn't going to get detention." I said making Troy turn back to look at me. Then he thought for a moment.

"I said that but... I usually don't make promises." He said turning his back around. Now I know why Kelvin didn't like him.

"Ugh, I hate that guy,' Kelvin whispers over to me.

"Could you explain why I'm in detention with you? Why do we even have kitchen duty?"

"Because if I see someone I get them in trouble too and we aren't slaves. That's what the schools chef Matthew is for."

"Hey! I heard that!" A voice spoke up, surprising me but not Kelvin. From the other room, probs storage, there was a boy the same height as Ian. He looked like a little kid, his hair was blonde and messy, brown eyes but red in an angle and his height and pale skin like a baby.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I offend you?" Kelvin cooed at the smaller boy. The smaller boy poked his tongue out and realized that he had a tongue piercing. I thought he was kid like, I don't think so. Personality wise and maybe looks but not age.

"Nah, but does this offend you?" He poked the fingers and Kelvin smiled ruffling his hair.

"When kids try to act mature."

"Kid, I'm older than you."

"Yeah, by a day." Kelvin laughed.

"anyways, since I'm doing detention I'll be harsh to you not to the other boy." I looked around to see who else was around then it hit me. I'm the other boy, I still have to get used to hearing myself as boy not girl. "Names?" He asked, from the counter he pulled a clipboard.

"Of course you know mine." Kelvin smirked. He laughed.

"I don't care. I'm going to pretend I don't know you. Names?" He smiled angrily at Kelvin who seemed to be making a face but then shrugged.

"Kelvin Webster." Kelvin rolled his eyes. At least I know his last name, although that doesn't really matter to me.

"Phoenix Quinn." The boy nodded at my name.

"Okay, I'm Matthew and I'll be handling detention for today. Any questions?" Matthew asked. Currently it was dinner and I was starving, I was going to be treated as a kitchen hand/ steward. Cleaning dishes hopefully, anything to do with cooking you can count me out.....


Kelvin rolled his sleeves up along with Matthew. "I'll get started on the dishes, um." I began shuffling to where the sinks and the dirty dishes where until Matthew held my collar and my feet were dragging on the ground. It proves he's short.

"What are you doing?" Matthew asked.

"Um, going to wash the dishes?" I laughed nervously. I felt the shirt about to spil off as he was pulling it upwards.

"Sorry." Matthew lets me go. "Where you going?" I stand up and rub my ass wincing in pain from the impact.

"To the sink, ya know to wash the dishes." I grunt.

"You're not going to do the dishes, you're cooking." He said.

"I'll burn the place down."

"No you won't." Matthew reassured. I nodded, Phoenix we can do it. Let's go.

"Okay. I'll trust your words." I said. I don't how I'll do because this was going to be the first time I cook that didn't involve some adult looking after me. Don't blame me if the kitchen burns as well.


Me, Kelvin and Matthew all sat on the table eating calmly. Not a word to be said, after what had been done a few minutes ago. "So um... How's everybody doing?" Kelvin asked, making small talk. "Has anything in this day made your day go into.... Flames?" Stupid joke/pun. Doesn't even make sense!

Me and Matthew shot him a glare. A few minutes ago I was cooking something and then it burned and went into flames. I have no idea what happened and now I've been told not to cook anything but if I get kitchen duty then I have to go and get ingredients and never touch stuff on the stove or in the oven.

"Alright, I'm sorry I didn't mean to burn you all." Kelvin snickered. Matthew shook his head.

"Don't you have anything to burn other than us?"

"Well I'm sorry not. I was just trying to fire you guys up." Kelvin smiled at me. I gave him a face.

"Enough with the jokes." I said to him. I ate a mouthful of mash potatoes and Kelvin put some on my face laughing. "You're such a kid." Matthew grinned, throwing some peas at Kelvin there we began a food fight and then it was stopped at the lunch lady had come in.

"Wasting the food? What am I to do? How about you eat it off the floor or you can begin cleaning it." The lunch lady snapped at us but smiled at me. Which was creepy, then she winked. Fuck, that is creepy! But then I remembered the principal saying something about her telling the lady staff that I was a girl. I looked over and Kelvin and Matthew who didn't seem to be giving creepy looks at me but seemed scared and was cleaning the food up. Wait no Matthew was cleaning, Kelvin was pretending to clean but wasn't scared at all. Matthew had his face drained.

Wow, I was actually having fun at school. This was strange, I've never liked being at school in my life not even in kindergarten. Maybe Crystal sent me for reason, if there was a deeper reason.... I have to know. Actually, it probably means nothing. She's just playing a cruel joke on me.


Authors note.

How did you think of this chapter? Those puns were really terrible right, like all puns they're not funny but I really like them so beware of the puns I'll put in future chapters. *Evil smirking*


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